Planet Fitness
Discrimination against handicap


Hello my name is Mary Jo Lovely, I live in Pa. And had a concern about a fitness club I belong to. My history is on July 1 I had a single lung transplant and have decided in July it was time to join a fitness center to keep my new lung healthy and also to help me lose weight.

With Plantet Fitness opening up around the corner it would be a perfect time for me to take advantage of the opportunity to use a fitness center to cater to my needs. My concern before signing up, as with any transplant recipient is how clean will the club be. So my husband and I decide to go visit Planet Fitness in Pottstown which was still under construction, this was perfect they had 2 plans one for 20.00 and one for 10.00. We asked the manager Joe at that time their policy on cleaning the fitness center and equipment. We were told that they clean the fitness center EVERY DAY at 6 am. And that the employees do wipe down the equipment.

At this time I explained to the manager Joe why I was asking these questions. And he understood and if I found that the equipment was not being cleaned then I should let the staff know and they would take care of the situation right away. Well both Ken and I decided ok this is great lets sign up. We knew the fitness center was scheduled to open Mid Oct. Which was fine, we were taking the first steps to getting healthy.

While waiting for Planet Fitness to open, we recieved a mailing about another club Rascals that offered the same thing the prices were the same. Ken and I decided lets join for the 2 months we are waiting for Planet Fitness to open and we will have a head joining rascals a couple red flags came up, such as members not cleaning the equipment down. So ok this meant I needed to wipe down the equipment before and after I use it for my own safety which I adapted into my routine along with a pair a gloves to protect my hands. After watching things getting worse at Rascals I said to Ken we need to stop and talk to them at Planet Fitness and reassure ourselves that things will be kept clean.

On our way home we decided to stop again at Planet Fitness again and dble make sure they are not going to allow things to get out of control. So we stopped in again, and spoke to a new employee and start asking him questions. And was told that they will be cleaning the equipment once every hr. However if they got too busy it may not work out every hr. Clearing this new employess was not sure how to answer the question and got very tongue tide. Which at this point I looked at my husband and said ok I am gonna just keep up with my regiament and continue to clean before and after.

So now the fitness center opens and all is well I am doing my cleaning before and afterwards. Ok now I see a member sweating and going machine to machine and not wiping down. So I approached the same manager about it and he said he would let that member know, but to feel free to carry the cleaning bottle around with me while I work out. Nothing was ever said to this member. I let it Nov. A member got off a machine soak and wet, that the seat was and back were wet and I got upset and showed my husband and said when I get home I am contacting Planet fitness this is just not right.

Of course there are no email address just an online feedback form with only positive questions. So I put bad marks on every question. And recieved a phone call back from the manager of the Pottstown club Sam. Who I explained what had happened and said I don't mind wiping up before and after but when I get to a machine that is wet like that, then that is drawing the line. Plus, the solution has been deluted too much and it looks like you are putting water only speaking with Sam he said that the solution is pre-measured by a machine in the back. So this could not be true. That maybe they put out the floor cleaner instead. Then we preceded to discuss that either they need to have someone cleaning down the equipment. Maybe they needed to place more signs out about wiping down the equipment or maybe when the new member joins show them that their is cleaning solutions and where they are. And say we ask our members to help us maintain a clean fitness center. Even their trainers should show them while they are training. I also mentioned to Sam about one of their employees works out on the equipment and he didn't bother to clean so how can you expect others to clean. He agreed and said he would take the proper measures. And that I should approach a member and say something to them.

Ok, now we are at Dec 22 and I see a trainer showing someone how the equipment works, this person is wearing jeans and a heavy sweater. So I am getting ready to get on a piece of equipment and I asked the trainer his name, he responds with Jay. I smiled and said Jay are you training and he said yes. I then asked are you explaining about wiping down the equipment and he said to me " Look I don't need your shit this morning" I said to him " there are signs about wiping down" Jay in turn told me to mind my own Fking Business. That this guy was his long time friend and he is not new to working out and he knows about wiping down the equipment. My response is why haven't you wiped down anything you been on about 15 pieces of equipment. So this is when Jay decided to use the full f word.

When Sam came in I approached him and let him know what had happen as best I could, it was hard because this trainer was to busy jumping in and trying to make himself look good. And the friend of his was there and said he didn't hear anything. Then he said I might be exxagerating. At this point Ken was telling Sam he needed to control his employee which clearly he couldn't do.

At this point I asked for the Corporate office number only to be told that it is a private number. So I got my things Ken and I left. We called the Corporate offices and spoke to the Excutive Vice president Ken Midgly who in turn gave our info to the President. On the 23rd of Dec Mike called and spoke to Ken, a couple hrs later I recieved a phone call from the manager Joe who asked what happened and I told him. He said its not working out and that they have revoked my membership. That he thought the discussion about them keeping their fitness center clean was closed. I asked and since you are revoking my membership I am sure that you will be firing the employees who used fail language on me. And he said no that was not going to happen.

So to sum it up. I went from wheel chair bound, to slightly getting around. And because of my concern for my health along with others. I was not only verbally abused from their employee but I was discrimated for being handicapped.

Give the Gift of Life... Become an Organ Donor! Single Lung TX 07-01-07Mary Jo Lovely

Company: Planet Fitness
Country: USA
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