FARMERS INSURANCE / Norman Maul Agency
Deceptive and fraudulent billing practices


Following several telephone calls and numerous personal visits to the Norman D. Maul agency, the monthly billing statements continued to reflect charges for monthly auto insurance premiums that were often double that of the initial quote provided and agreed to.

Formal complaints are being filed at this time with the Arizona State Attorney General, the Arizona State Department of Insurance, and the Federal Trade Commission, advising all of these agencies that over 50 such reports from other consumers have been filed and are available for reference at this website. (

Reference to a previous news report provided to me by a friend, this practice is apparently quite common, where several insurance companies will entice consumers to change companies, provide false initial quotes, then adjust the final quotes to fit the individual, and then bill the customers each month at rates that are nearly double that of the adjusted the case with Farmers, the present monthly premium is equal to, or greater than, our previous auto insurance premiums with American Family Insurance.

Our decision to change insurance companies was prompted by continually escalating monthly premiums by our previous carrier, despite the fact that I have maintained an accident free, ticket free, and claim free status, over the past five-plus years. The former insurance company also failed to comply with the terms of our policy, some six years ago, following the total destruction of one of our vehicles by an unlicensed, and uninsured driver. We were advised only a year ago, that we were entitled under that policy, to replacement of the vehicle, but were denied that action. Consultation with an attorney later revealed that the two-year stutute of limitations had expired, hence, we were unable to re-file a claim, or file a suit for breech of contract, against our former insurance company.

Based upon information appearing elsewhere on, it appears that we will be again seeking auto insurance elsewhere, with a more reputable insurance company. Other consumers are advised to read your policy over, thoroughly, and to consult with an attorney or your state insurance regulatory agency. We were "taken" because we were not familiar with the law, or our legal rights under the law.

Company: FARMERS INSURANCE / Norman Maul Agency
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 14001 N. 7th Street Suite E-109
Phone: 6029428373
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