Acai Berry Maxx/fx Supplements
Auto deduction from acct w/o author has fully chrgd shld be riskfree sent back cont to send addtl pkges cant reach to cancel cant return to sender


The ad states risk-free for 14 days if nor satisfied pay only 5.95 s$h. I sent product back to address on package. They have automatically taken first 79.95 from my account and deducted another amount of 85.90 for this month in which i have another package that i read small print do not return to sender. So i now must pay for s$h of this package registered mail to get a signiture... Such a rip off

Company: Acai Berry Maxx/fx Supplements
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Arlington
Address: 916 113st Ste B
Phone: 8176077300
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Acai Maxx don't have one

MK Supplements
Never ordered, billed my AMEX $89, I filed a dispute, they sent a suspicious-looking package

Acai Berry Maxx!
Unauthorized charges to my account

Acai Berry Maxx
Cannot get a full refund, minus shipping and handling charges

GNS, Inc
Ordered free sample plus S&H only, had over $70. Taken from account for something not ordered

D.A.H.investigate Consultans
I paid money to find a person and there were no results up today, neither my calls nor emails are anwsered and I got no money back Cincinnati, Kentucky

FX Supplements
No return policy or documentation in shipping orde

Dg21 Llc
Race discrimination

Alyon Technologies
Ripoff Worldwide

I too was scammed by GNS for the acai berry product