Blockbuster Video
Fraudulently attempted to charge me a set up charge. Theft by by management


On July, 30th, I attempted to open an account and rent 4 movies from one of Blockbuster's stores located at 776 Hilltop North Shopping Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia. As I had not rented in excess of three months, I was told by Steven that I was subject to a setup fee of $10.00. This was in his words to put me back in the system. When I questioned the fee he stated that I would also be enrolled in a rewards program of some kind.

I informed Steven that I was not interested and left the store. When I returned home I called the800 # to verify the charge. The answer I received from Tammy was that Blockbuster didn't have a mandatory setup charge. When I asked for the regional Manager's name I was hung up on. I then filled out an online complaint.

Two days later I received a call from Kari who identified herself as a manager at the aforementioned store location. She stated that she would set me up in the system and give me a $10.00 credit. When I inquired about the attempted fraud, I was told that Steven was also a manager and she could not address the issue with him. I then asked for and received the regional manager's name and number, Joey Harker. I called and left my name and number on his voice mail, but he has not called me back.

The issue is clearly an attempted theft by the manager. If he would do this to me he's doing it to many potential new the current business climate, I fail to see how this type of behavior is an asset to Blockbuster Video. I believe it is clearly an infringement on any reputable company's core values.

Company: Blockbuster Video
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Virginia Beach
Address: 776 Hilltop North Shopping Center
Phone: 7574258800
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Blockbuster Video
Failure to respond to complaint

Blockbuster Video
BLOCKBUSTER Video should not be in business

Blockbuster Video
Rip-off I won't sleep until action is taken to resolve this situation! Justice will be served!

Blockbuster Video
Bad service

Block Buste

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Blockbuster Video
Dishonest Rip Off All Blockbuster ripping off the consumer. Advertising NO LATE FEES BIG LIARS