Voice Stream Or T-Mobile
Hey idiot of course you have roaming on your cell phone would we lie


Hey people,

Do not fall for the ol' "sure you have roaming on your phone" garbage. Do not ever get a cell phone from these people. The customer service sucks the big one. The 1-800-We-stickyu should be their number. I had a cell phone from these pigs for 6 years and the pigs did me wrong. The same number 1-773-837-5353 was my number for 6 years. I called and purchased a new phone and changed my plan. I was going out of town and my package would not cover roaming. I called them 3 times to change the plan and I also verified the change before I left. I had always paid my bills and even when I was late I paid the late charge. I go to AZ for 4 days and use my phone. I go into the store to pay my bill and I paid the usual $70.00 or so... I never had a phone bill spiral out of contral like this one. I am talking on the phone and they cut me off. I call the company to ask why and they tell me my bill was late and it was $696.00 for the month of February. I hit the "effin" roof. I went round and round and round with them to change this bill. I even agreed to work something out with them. They wanted 475.00 to work this out. I hit the "effin" roof again.

I never paid the bill because they wanted my first born. I refused and so I was stuck with a $900.00 ish dollar bill by the time they added, their mamas, their mamas mamas taxes, the basitters taxes the babysitter's mamas taxes, the goat in the zoo's taxes, the Boston Tea Party taxes, Hippocrates taxes, Uncle Bobo's line and so on and so on and so. After I spoke to them over and over and over I gave up. I will never own a house so screw up my credit it you like. Take a number everyone likes to put things on you CB report. Thank God for pay as you go. I have children and I need a phone. The bill skyrocketed so high only a platinum card could pay the bill.

This was absolutely rediculous all the customer service workers sound stupid and incoherent. They repeat the same thing "excuse Ms. I don't undertand the question can you repeat it". I am thorougly diappointed with this company. I paid them $70-100.00 and month for 6 years and that they did me wrong. Prett much they told me pay or go to he—! I went to he—! Now, I get the dumb ass collections people asking me to pay. Who new!

Company: Voice Stream Or T-Mobile
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Site: tmobile.com
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Walmart My Family Mobile
Total Rip off there a joke

Ripoff dishonest billing and reps

Leave company, charges and taxes are too high. Not as agreed

Ripoff, dishonest with customers, will not work with customers if not with them for less than 4 month mistreated and ripped off

Verizon Wireless
CELL PHONE COMPANY Ripoff Fraudulent Billing Dishonest Charged for roaming when agreement says no roaming charges, forced to change plans from $39.99 to $150.00, very poor/dishonest/inconsistent customer service online

Continually Billing

Cingular Wireless
Cheating military personnel out of $2,500, ripoff

Att extra mysterious charges mqube iq non existing companies

Cricket Wireless1
They wont answer my complaint

MCI Worldcom ripoff roaming fees