Mormon Church LDS Bishop Ralph Price, Lynette And Michelle Price
Bishop Ralph Price - Accused Of Murder, Goading To Insanity - Injunction Of Harassment Against Lynette And Michelle Price Goading to Insanity, Invoking Murder, Suicide and credence-taking tactics of control


Lynette Price - Goading to Insanity, Injunction of Harassment sought and granted today, Tucson City Court, September 24; Case No. HR 8102760, M-1041-HR-8102760

Lynette violently verbally attacked her sister Michelle, who is currently being held on 100000 USD bail in the Pima County Jail awaiting sentencing for attempted murder and two counts of domestic violence/severe injury inflicted.

Ralph Price took a male teenager up to Mount Lemmon and he walked off a cliff. Like all churches, the males pawn off their females to those who may be economically and in some way (s) socially successful, making the males into emasculated idiots, utter morons... But be careful and remember, they only do this to people they think they can take.

(I am the victim of Michelle Marie Price, having been stabbed in the chest in my grandparent's home on March 23 with a steak knife, which Michelle Price carried around with her for some time - 5 days spent at Tucson's University of Arizona Medical Center. That's Case # CR20081302, Judge Fell, call Court Scheduling if you would like to attend.)

This is a church of supremacist, wicked and evil - plus utterly, and I do mean utterly vain yokels who, really having no connection to the Jews who have been so despicably murdered throughout history, including the ones who Romans cruxified 2000 years ago, made up an utterly hokey book that very vaguely at an elementary school level sounds somewhat "Biblical".

Look at the topic this way - Romans murder some Jewish people 2000 years ago and make an industry out of it. Every phony, wicked and carnivorous white supremacist since that time has tragically realized that some people they did not associate with, understand and could not variously live up to had something they did not - monotheism, prophets, a churches/organization that displays classist hierarchy and data structure.

So lesser angels, and humans not really "worthy" of some form of "individuality", made up their own pathetic phony churches and continued one form or another of state and nation-supported (read now capitalist supported) wicked, phony, lame religions. Believe it or not, it might soon be lesser humans instead of angels at all, if you know what I mean...

Regardless, so much for the history re-writing yahoos who bragged up the "bloodless" conquest of the west... I still have blood on my robes to prove them wrong - mine!

How anyone who is not an absolute and utter rube even possibly entertains that this church is legit it remains hard to believe... The "Bishop" Ralph Price could not even once manage to open the door to his own house during the five years I was occasionally going out with his daughter; his family is so absorbed in capitalism, social jockeying and evil, carnivorous wickedness that they fail to even notify what they think is the father of their grand-daughter; these people are utterly hokey, classistly behave like they came from the 19th century, utterly phony rubes.

Ungracious, willful, fecklessly unkind and - get this - "Dr." Ralph Price was professor emeritus at the University of Arizona department of Nutrition and Animal Husbandry. His daughter's most clearly exceptional talent was really pussy-queefing. I actually managed to play a recording of this to a poor salesman at a religious-prejudiced company that I worked for... He said the Mormon Church had every blessing... I proved to him that in a way he may be correct... They certainly had the best pussy-queefer I have noted in my 50 nations of world travel.

They are wicked racist supremacists, utter phonies and murderers. I managed to make it to the neighbor's across the street after having the Bishop's daughter shove a steak knife about five inches into the right side of my chest... After I handed her a tea cup of water that she asked for...

Once again, these people are utter entrapping rubes, morons, sure idiots, denuements... The police state lets them progress because they sell out to the state for control and profit - as have all religions - long before they ever get to God.

If you were really religious, you might consider being a vegetarian and not eating apples.

There is more than one reason you must be like little children to come to Him -really human religions are on the whole about as good as elementary school students who apparently "accidentally" eat dead garbage and shit on the floor -no offense meant to those who cannot afford fruits and vegetables and a toilet - you still have some relationship with Him, just like the elementary school student who eats garbage and pisses on the floor still may have a relationship with the elementary school teacher...

Data structure, protocol, feedback... It's a foundation argument.

What humans do that is so evil that others don't is similar to an extended defination of idolatry - commercials, shoddy production for profit and not human use, a world of murder for private property routes and spheres of influence, control and continued profit at, in some ways, everyone's expense.

I cannot exist at this free public computer and write any longer, but if you happen to be a lawyer or the very exceptional person who will legally prosecute a church of murdering, suicidal phonies to extinction for the good of society, God, angels or any peaceful and democratic ideological reason, you have my permission to contact me by computer. The truth is worse than I may write.

Tucson, Arizona

Company: Mormon Church LDS Bishop Ralph Price, Lynette And Michelle Price
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 1250 East 10th Street, 102B
Phone: 5206235600
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