Michael McClure - Wayne Wymore - Ralph Price - Mary Shannon (Shan) McClure-Smart
Michael McClure - Wayne Wymore - Ralph Price - Mary Shannon McClure Smart - Scott McClure - Leslie Wymore Racist antisemetic home, business and family violation for supremacy and control

Education & Science

This is a preliminary report on three former and current University of Arizona professors who continue to violate homes, businesses and families of former U of A students - and use their children and spouses to do so.

The daughter of one of these bastard wicked professors is currently in the Pima County jail on felony 2 - attempted premeditated murder.

These are professors who have been, and whose families have been practicing violation, intimidation and murder for decades.

One of the victims of Ralph Price actually walked off a cliff on mount Lemmon to his death. Another member of this Mormon Bishop's heinous and utterly false Mormon church has been tried and convicted of murder in Pima County.

These unrepentant fascists bastard violating professors and their families are despicable and utterly, surely in hell.

I wish to God I had never met these wicked professors and their despicable, pretentious, utterly immoral families and their despicable evil and illegal children.

Talk about pseudo-educated idiots that are an utter dishonor to school, family, church, law and profession...

I will be posting the home addresses of these despicable bastards so that the police can arrest them...

Company: Michael McClure - Wayne Wymore - Ralph Price - Mary Shannon (Shan) McClure-Smart
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: University Of Arizona
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Elizabeth Jenkins
Jennifer Gilbert, Anne Leavitt, Melanie Wymore-, Leslie Wymore, Mary Shannon McClure-Smart, Betty McClure, Michelle Marie Price, Raine Figueroa, Elizabeth Pate-Cornell, Felony Violation of Individuals, Businesses, Home Invasion, Sexist/Racist Murde

Michelle Marie Price, Patricia Mormon Bishop Ralph Price, LDS, Lynette Price
Michelle Marie Price, Mormon Bishop Ralph Price, LDS, Lynette And Patricia Price LDS, Lynette Price Attempted Murder, Utterly False Religion as Pure Character Assasination and Conquest

Benedictine Monastary Tucson
Nuns aid in violating private homes of non-Catholics, state sterilization of women, attempted vehicular manslaughte

University Of Arizona, U Of A, UofA, Campus Police
U of A Campus Police... Unprofessional and controlled for dysfunctional evil

Mary Shannon McClure, Shan, Shanita, Bisy
Shan McClure-Smart Active home violator and racist murdere

UAPD, University Of Arizona Police Department, University Of Arizona
Uapd... Wasting time, Humiliating, Dysfunctional Stops Without Good Cause

John Carleton, Journalism Teacher, Catalina High School Trumpeteer
Mr. C, Uncle Dudley Former Female Students Plot Racist, Sexist Murde

Thomas Tommy Harper, John Hogue, John G Carleton Catalina High School, CHS, Catalina Magnate School
Mocking, Hazing, Defamation of Students Leads to Home Invasion, Murder and Racist Murder

Catalina High School, Classmates.com
CHS, Catalina, Former students accused of home invasion, hazing, racist murder, classmates.com obstructing justice

Mormon Church LDS Bishop Ralph Price, Lynette And Michelle Price
Bishop Ralph Price - Accused Of Murder, Goading To Insanity - Injunction Of Harassment Against Lynette And Michelle Price Goading to Insanity, Invoking Murder, Suicide and credence-taking tactics of control