Taylormade Promotionz
To good to be true. You should know better


Where do I start... I received an e-mail within an hour of applying to this commpany, called them, and to my surprise got an interview the next day. I was in a big bind for money, needed to make some really fast, I have children (don't want to say how many). Next day came in for an interview and was hired on the spot. Now let me go and explain their technique to you, the reader. Their biggest attraction is the LIE of what you can achieve/how far you can go if you "stick it out" or "have the guts to reach your goals" with this company. The "owner" flat out told me that if I have the guts to stick it out and sacrifice my time (about a year) eventually I'll OWN MY OWN COMPANY and MAKE $100,000's... Sounds to good to be true... Don't it? The potential for growth, income, posibbilities of ownership, no need for a car because they have you covered, FREE HEALTH INSURANCE!!! Etc. Etc. I was flabbergasted. They "butter you up" and do it in a way that completelly takes you by surprise... See this way your mind starts to wonder as you become super excited and start imagining yourself on a yacht in about a year... infact they just pitched you an opportunity to become a SLAVE (YES A SLAVE), but in your mind you're an executive.

They have you fill out some paperwork... I guess that makes them look legit to you... Lets face it... Not a lot of people are stupid enough to start a job before filing out tax papers for their employer.insurance paperwork?"Don't worry we'll get to that later", or like a friend of mine..."Sorry... We don't offer any"... Maybe its because she told them that she was pregnant, and then after going out and selling crap for eight hours FOR FREE (NO SHE DID NOT GET PAID), she received a call the next day from the company saying "sorry you're not what we're looking for... Good luck". I wish they told me the same thing, but given my circumstance I was left with no real option but to take this BS job. Now let me fully explain this job.

Every morning you are expected to be in the "office" no later than 8AM. After about an hour-hour/half of "practice pitching" (trying out speeches that attract and impulse people to buy s*t from you on the street (their customers) in a small hot room with about 10 people you go out back to their warehouse. There the "team leaders" (people in charge) bring out bins filled with crap to sell... Did I mention to people on the street. This crap consists of childrens' storry/puzzle books, DNA kits, child safety ID's, gym bags, umbrallas, t-shirts, cupon books, etc. What really gets me pi*ed is the fact that most of this crap has a logo of a really great missing childrens (non-for-profitt organization) on it; the CPEA. Now don't get me wrong helping out non-for-profitt org.'s is a great thing... Unless you only give them less than 5% of what you make!!! Thats right less than 5%!!! So, now you have your stuff brought out to you and for the first week, maybe less, everyone is eager to give you a ride to where you need to go... No one asks for any kind of gas contribution (until you get paid - then they know you have money); NO REIMBURSMENT FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES!

OK... You now have your crap to sell, have a ride to the "event", and you go back into the "office" for one last meeting and directions to where you are going. Keep in mind this is your training week and you receive $58 per 10 hour day (which directly comes out of the pay of the person who is training you). Now, you drive to a mall, store, some place populated with people, and "set up shop"... That is to say a small table with a red or blue "dirty" cloth over it and a "FREE FINGERPRINTING for children w / purchase of product w / CPEA logo" banner cover. You stand outside, rain, shine, snow, blizzard, etc., and approach people and attempt to sell them crap... All the while telling them that you're helping missing children... With a huge smile on your face. Immagine, knowing exactly what you're doing (scamming people out of their hard earned money), how you would feel after a 10 hour work day for these bastards. You're on your feet in dress shoes all day, hopefully you brought a lunch (no one cares if you're starving), and hopefully its a nice day outside.

On your third or fourth day the company lets you go out "solo" that is to say by yourself. Keep in mind that you're in training which is supposed to be minimum of two weeks, and you're only getting that $58 per day!!! Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't training involve another person, you know like a manger or trainer or something? Apparently not here. After a grueling day of people looking at you like a piece of s*t, you come back to the "office", hand over your sales and are free to go home... By now its already close to 8 PM!!! Remember, gotta get back to the "office" the next day before 8 AM. God help you if you get sick, especially if their higher ups in charge come in sick with a cold or flu and purposelly get you sick so their sales go up and if you can't get better they fire you because you're missing too many days of "work". Remember... NO INSURANCE.

I WOULD RATHER HAVE MY GUMS SCRAPED BY A RUSTY JAGGED KNIFE THAN TO WORK FOR THESE A-HOLES AGAIN!!! So beware job seeker of the crap thats out there... And remember if it's too good to be true, then it's more than likely a lie. Don't be fooled...

For all of you out there who are now angered and want to take your agression out on these people... Please don't... I BEG YOU! The people out in the field are also the victims... They fell prey to the fast talking and manipulating managment, they are just trying to work and don't even realize why they're doing what the're doing. It's not like the company will tell you right off at the time of employment how much really goes to charity. These young workers usually quit as soon as they find out what is really going on. If you must do something INFORM them, let them go online and see for themselves. And if you plan on donating (cause you're a very generous person) ask any seller are you representing a FOR-PROFFIT ORG. Or a NON-FOR-PROFFIT ORGANIZATION, then decide for yourself.

Company: Taylormade Promotionz
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Glenview
Phone: 8477295466
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