Liberty Events/Next Step Endeavors
Liberty Events - Entry Level Marketing & Promotions, Managment Program, Charity - SCAM!


I was just like any other young, job-seeking hopeful, who stumbled upon what seemed to be the perfect company to work for, Liberty Events. I found it on Careerbuilder so I assumed it was legit...

Job Description was similar to the following:
Entry Level Marketing & Promotions position available

(when you actually search careerbuilder, don't you find it funny they have like 1000000000 listings? A REAL job only needs one listing, not a few on each page and shouldn't have to list this job every so many days) - RED FLAG

So what else do they label the job as...
-Entry Level Marketing & Promotions position
-10 Professional Entry Level Managment & Promotions candidates
-Entry level customer service & managment

You'll find any of those descriptions on Careerbuilder, go ahead and look for yourself, words might be a little different but you get the picture.

The Description of the job makes it seem like the perfect job! Perhaps this is why literally everyday, they are interviewing people for this "opportunity of a lifetime".

The description read similiar to the lines of "are you young? Energetic? Like working with other young motivated people? Then this is the job for you... Yadda yadda... No experience necessary, paid training, 50K potential first year, local children's charities, you get the picture...

They will call you and schedule you for a first interview, bring a copy of your resume and references (which they don't end up calling anyway), and then they will schedule you for a "day of observation" if they like you, which you pretty much have a shot right off the bat - they need people so bad they'll take anyone!

Day of Observation:

They will schedule you for a day of observation, better known in the office as a "Day of O", in which you are assigned to one of their top leaders, which means they've been there at least 2-3 wks if not more and have made the standards in order to move up in the company. You are told to dress professional, stay for the whole day and possibly brought back for a third interview based on a positive recommendation by the person you are assigned to for the day.

You meet the person you will be with for the day, sometimes you are with two people at a time, never more. You sit in the office for roughly a half hour, while they have their "team meeting" or "pow-wow" as I like to call it, we'll get into that later. You are asked where you parked your car, and if they want to feel like they have more power over you, they will ask you to move it even if it's not really in the "tow zone". You are then thrown in a car, where they will ask you questions (which they are basically following a script as to what questions to ask you in order to make you feel nervous) they are not allowed to play music, they are just supposed to really feel you out at this time.

You will then arrive at a gas station, normally a WaWa or turkey hill, or a grocery story or best buy of some sort. Yes, that's right. This is supposed to be "event-based" marketing, but yet, you are standing outside of a convenience story for 8 hours for your day of observation. They will set up a folding table in which they display their DARE banner and throw some cheap books, toys such as mother goose books, toy cars, stuffed animals, games, etc. They then have to talk to EVERY PERSON that walks out of the door of that store at your "event" in order to get them to "help the children".

If you were a customer coming out of the store, you would hear "Hey guys check it out, we're helping out the kids today!" If you're lucky enough not to get nasty looks or laughed at, people will stop and see what you have to offer. They sell certain items for so much money, stating their support goes back to DARE. Last time I checked, 5% back to the charity isn't a lot. It mostly goes into Liberty Events pockets, not much into your pocket either. Oh yea, did I mention this is paid training? STRICTLY COMMISSION - 35% I believe it was. You DO NOT get reimbursed for gas either, and sometimes they have you travel close to an hour if not more. With gas prices, who can afford that and such a low paycheck?

When you sell all these "pieces", as you later find out what that means, you may go home, or if there is a cut-off time, that is when they pack up and head back to the office/warehouse. Since they are on a "Day of O" with you, they must bring you back to the office at a specific time, so you can come back to your 3rd interview (if they like you).

Ride Home:

Ok, you made it through this AWESOME event! They are now allowed to play music on the way home and ask you about your day and if this is something you could see yourself doing. This is a more relaxed atmosphere and interview, they think they got you in the bag so now they're trying to suck up and be your friend, for you will be on their "team" and you will help promote them through the company.

3rd Interview:

Back at the office, they hand you a clipboard with several questions on them: What is the Law of Averages? What did you think of the day, why should we choose you, yadda yadda... After you've had this filled out, your "leader" will come back out and read off the clipboard in front of you with a red marker. This part made me laugh. They are supposed to put HUGE marks on your question sheet in order to "scare you" that you answered something wrong, when indeed half the people there don't even read your answers. This creates, FEAR OF LOSS. You then meet with one of the managers in which they discuss your pay, benefits, etc... They try to make it seem like you have a choice between salary and profit sharing, but stress so much on profit sharing that it makes it seem like you benefit more from that, when in reality, there is no salaray! It's all commission!!!

Speaking of benefits, they promise you benefits after 90 days, which is a load of crap. I never saw benefits, nor did anyone else there either. Anyway, for some retarded reason you chose the job, and here starts your downward spiral at Liberty Events.

Here is how the positions go:

Team Leader
Assistant Manager

The whole plot behind this company is to get you to owner, which on the surface sounds great, but when you learn how this business works, you realize how much time and effort it really takes to get there. I've learned the hard way, and I hope if you're reading this, you havn't even made it to the interview, or I can at least persuade you to get out.

The owners are great, they're young, they take you out for food/drinks on occasion, and you work with other people that are all in the young bracket 20-30's. Perfect job right? Not exactly... Here is what your day would consist of on an everyday basis, 5 or 6 days a week...


You get there in the morning, say hello to your fellow co-workers who shortly become some of your closest friends since you work roughly 12-13hour days. Say hello to your new family.

As a distributor, you are taught by leaders, team leaders, managers, anyone above you in position about the proper way to approach people, and how your attitude effects everything, prices of items, how many pieces everything is, how to price packages above asking price in order to "bag more pieces", basically the proper way to scam people. I could go on forever telling you exactly what they teach you, but it's not that important.

Meeting #1:

You stand in a big circle, and they announce the teams for the day. When you are first starting out, you are with your leader - the person that took you out on your day of O, for a few days, then they stick you with other co-workers and eventually they send you out on your own, also. From there you go to the warehouse, which they have you jump in your car and drive to the back of the building with your team member to load up your car with all the crap you will be selling to the public at your "event". Then you drive back to the front of the building back to the teaching room. More teaching goes on until your next meeting is ready to start.

Meeting #2:

You stand in a big circle (mind you, the whole morning you're listening to up-beat music), one person reads off all the top-producers from the day before stating how many pieces they had that day, and that person runs around the room high-fiving everyone. This creates excitement and competition. Sometimes they throw in little competitions for people who "drop port" (get rid of all their pieces, first) or sell the most pieces.

They then seperate the distributors in one room and leaders in the next. The leaders are discussing what the distributors need to work on, in order for them to move up and to help THEM move up as well. They also gather directions and sometimes get addition days of O. You will be on a lot of these, as this company literally interviews people every single day.

You then hop in the car and go to your event, which once again is a gas station or some type of convenient store. It's going to be just like your Day of O, except you will be out there till cut-off time or time you get rid of your pieces. Hopefully your leader is nice enough to split the pieces with you, if not, they are making more money then you are, and it happens. You are taught that a bouncy ball is your best friend, because that is how truly boring these events will be.

The sad thing is, your day consists of coming to the office at 8:30AM then you are there until about 8 at night. Your co-workers become your new family, and the managers also stress about who you hang out with, saying that you shouldn't be discouraged for working for such a good company with an excellent opportunity. Well this company is a pyramid-scheme type order for you to move up in the company, besides kissing a*, you need to have so many people under you that get promoted as well by selling so many pieces in so many weeks.

Eventually, the point is to get you to owner where you can relocate your business wherever you want and scheme on more poor innocent people. I don't know about you, but working that much in one day, all week long, should be more than a $200-$300 paycheck. You're luck to get more, and it is possible, but that's if you work 6 days a week (which they tell you is completely optional, yet they look down on you if you don't, saying that you are not a good role model for your team). Over half your da* paycheck goes into your gas tank, and food.

All they care about is you making THEM money... Managers/assistant managers and owners make overrides off all your asses, hence why "saturday is the best day to work". It's more money in their pocket, duh! One of the best parts, is the highly stress the fact that this is not a sales job, when in fact the only way you're making a paycheck is by selling the crap off the table they've supplied you with! Hope you like lolipops, because you sure are a sucker if you stick around at this place...

The choice is yours... Hopefully you can learn from my mistake. I truly wish this scam of a company could be shut down!

Company: Liberty Events/Next Step Endeavors
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Norristown
Address: Boulevard Of The Generals
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