Ernst @ Hass Mangement Co
Lawfull Extortion, Preaditors Of Young, Old, Disabled


Please do your self a favor if you are a propsetive renter looking in Long Beach Ca stay away from this managment company. It will save you a lot of greif and heartache. I am a Long Beach Ca Native. I moved out of State and for various reasons I sold my property and retruned to Long Beach Ca. I was looking at Apterment Rentals online while out of Sate and responded to advertising by Ernst @ Hass Property Mangment. I was impressed by the units that where listed. One mistake I made was not haveing some one look at the units before I moved. I was living in Ga. At the time. The first unit I rented was listed as a: Guest House: in Seal Beach Ca. When I arived in Seal Beach Ca. The nightmare started. This: Guest House: is a converted garage that was horrible. The wireing did not work, the shower was broken. To get into the shower you almost needed a step ladder to climb into the shower / bath tub. The front door was not standard. It had a gas leak which the mangment comany was unable to find but the City of Seal Beach found. The front door / entry was not scale, it was really small. This unit was bulit below the the side walks and anyone could look in by just walking by. They had sand bags where the garage door was to keep the unit from flooding. This was turned into a closet and I had to buy a step ladder just to hang my cloths. I decided to move right away. I thought since I was with this mangment company I would see what else they had avaible. I rented another unit in Long Beach Ca. I was not able to see this property before I rented it for unkown reasons. I could only see the outside. The day I moved into this unit was when I got my first look. The nightmare continues. It is a large Apt but in bad shape bulit in 1945. Again plumbing issues [ hint of things to come ] I wanted to back out of the lease at that moment but could not. All of my cash was tied up at this point. The toliet was not working right when I moved in and never did work right. The toliet kept backing up and they started to charge me for plumbing secrvice calls which I did not pay. They ended up replacing the toliet. I owned prpoerty in Ga so I know what not to do with the winter I discovered the heater did not work right. It would only heat a few feet. When they sent a repair peson it was stated: It Works: and they would not replace it. The heater is the orginal unit. This Apt also had a gas leak that they could not find but Long Beach Gas Dept. Found it. The Wood below the window frames have dry rot. They would not repair them. You can feel the wind blow under the windows. Their repair personal used adhesive to try to cut down the draft. Other tennets had problems also with dry rot, mold, and other issues. We the tennets where tired of the excuses of Ernst @ Hass ; We called Code enforcment to look at the bulding. There was so many Code violations that the City sent two employes plus their supivisor. The City told us that this bulding was found to be in violtion before. The Supvisor also stated that they where having code enforcement issues with other buldings that Ernst @ Hass Managed. I did get to know the repair techs better and thay stated that they manage / repair all the units thay manage this way. The repair persons also stated that they would never rent any bulding manged by Ernst @ Hass. Other tennets in the bulding feel they are trapped also. I could go on for pages and pages about my expercinces with Ernst @ Haas the managment company from Dante, s inferno.

Company: Ernst @ Hass Mangement Co
Country: USA
State: California
City: Long Beach
Address: 4000 Long Beach Blvd. # 105
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