Wells Fargo Bank
ATM Debit Card Fraudulent Activity I'm being treated like I'm the criminal and they've caused me severe financial issues!


After discovering fraudulent activity in the amount of $2,300 (estimate) on my debit card account, I immediately phoned Well Fargo Bank to verbally file a Fraudulent Use Claim for which I'd obtained a claim #. The lady indicated that she would process the claim and that WFB would be investigating and will contact me. When I asked her whether or not the bank would be crediting my account for this amount, she indicated that she couldn't guarantee it but normally, the bank would provide a PROVISIONAL CREDIT while they did their investigating, etc. BTW ~ went over some of the fraudulent activity over the phone ~ identifying the most recent activities.

A couple of days or so later, because I couldn't afford to have a whole paycheck be taken from me (financial obligations ie: car payments; mortgage; insurance & utilities), I visited the Woodland Hills WFB Branch (near my place of work) and spoke with one of the reps. She was very sensitive to my situation as upset as I was and I asked her if there was anyway I could have the claim forms faxed to the Fraud Dept to get the claim expedited rather than U.S. Mail. She gave me the fax # and so I took care of the REQUIRED PAPERWORK and faxed it the same day. BTW ~ I was also told at this visit and I believe in the paperwork I filled out which included the list of Fraudulent Activity the rep and I went over with a fine tooth comb.

2 Days or so later I returned to the bank because I did not hear from the Fraud Dept. This time, the original rep I spoke with was out so I ended up with the rep who as far as I am concerned is THE reason my claim was declined. He was arrogant, insensitive as he asked me questions even, criticizing his own colleague who was actually very helpful and eased my worries two days prior. He indicated that I didn't have to fill out the forms she had me fill out and the same forms that the rep on the phone I spoke with indicated I would have to fill out as well. While he was on the phone with the Fraud Dept AFTER he and I went over the fraudulent activities line by line (was asked to highlight those that were fraudulent 3rd time going over these) and after he had asked me a few questions ie: how I lost my card, when I realized it was missing, how I may have compromised the security of my card (who else knows my pin # etc. - to which I responded ONLY my husband), if there was anyway that my husband was responsible for these charges, etc to which I adamantly & in great detail (because I had already made calls or checked websites that the crook used my cards with) denied BECAUSE my husband is not like that AND that there were internet purchases which meant there would be addresses to where these orders would have to be shipped, maybe even a name AND a storage facility here in the area so there must be an account # or a customer's name or even a camera on site PLUS the fact that all the charges were in Woodland Hills and I specifically indicated that we live in Canyon Country and that if they looked at my records it is very rare that I would have any activity in the valley as we call the area here in CA. He STILL ~ right in front of me ~ told the fraud rep that I WASN'T SURE IF MY HUSBAND WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF THESE CHARGES. His colleague Mike Haina sat next to us and he heard the ensuing argument between Aaron & myself ~ while he was still on the phone I said to him ~ why did you just tell them that ~ I just told you that there is no way that my husband would be responsible for these and you just compromised my claim or chances of getting my provisional credit. He argued and insisted as we were face to face back & forth he kept saying YES YOU DID ~ and I would respond each time NO I DID NOT. He continued to be a jerk and that's when I lost it ~ I got loud and was crying - sobbing at the bank but rather than calm me down & apologize to me and correct what he stated to the rep on the phone he was arrogant. I told him to get his manager and that I would be outside calming down having a cig. His colleague Mike came out to make sure I was ok. I briefly told him and he confirmed that he heard the back & forth argument and his colleague's conversation with the rep on the phone. He went back in and brought another rep out to talk to me. He wasn't the manager but he listened to me, calmed me down and asked me to sit at his desk while he made phone calls etc to help me out. While he was on the phone Aaron came over to us and he rudely/disrespectfully says to me "Why did you have to go to someone else when I was helping you." I told him to leave me be (I had calmed down at that point). The other rep on the phone now, raised his hand to Aaron motioning for him to quit talking to me. He did not. So I answered him and said because of this exact attitude of yours. And he rudely says to me ~ "First of all, there was no attitude." At which point, I became angered again and began crying again. Mike, his other colleague witnessed this as well and when Sharif pulled Aaron away to talk to him Mike came up to me to make sure I was ok. He apologized for the issues I was having with Aaron.

Long frustrating story short, I have YET to see the 24-48 hours provisional credit in my account.instead, they DECLINED my claim and closed the file. For what reason? Get this - INSUFFICIENT INFORMATION. How can that be? I've been on the phone, face to face and again more phone conversations with a few fraud reps asking questions about the claim, etc. When I called to ask why it was declined ~ they initially said they couldn't disclose that information. Then a supervisor finally told me that it was due to - are you ready? MISCOMMUNICATION OF FACTS! Isn't that the kicker! I did not miscommunicate anything! Their rep miscommunicated information to the fraud rep! He compromised my claim's credibility and since then they have treated me as though I am the criminal. They are punishing me instead of the criminal himself.

It has been more than 4 weeks now since I first reported this claim. Now they are telling me I need to send a rebuttal letter. I asked them what for or what does it need to state? They said to document everything that's happened since the day I reported it initially, etc. Which I just don't understand. Here are my questions? I've been with them since 1995! That apparently doesn't mean anything! I've given everyone I've spoken with all information they've asked for! I've been diligent with following-up. NOW, more than 4 weeks later, the fact that I lost $2,300 (half of a months income for me) I am drowning financially and totally distressed. My electricity got cut off. My insurance lapsed for late payment. My mortgage is behind. My cell phone got cut off!!! They have totally put me back by a lot~causing me emotional distress AND I cannot recover from being behind now because of the $2,300 I worked hard to earn and needed for bills, etc.

They have given me the run-around! They can't even give me a specific supervisor's name at the fraud office site for me to send the rebuttal letter to ~ i have to go through the same process as everyone else does!

I was told i have a case against them for distress, financial hardship etc and that i deserve the $2,300 back and more for all the hours i've spent on this and the emotional stresses i am still going through because of being $2,300 short!

Help please! If you are an attorney who might be able to help me, please let me know immediately.


Canyon Country, California

Company: Wells Fargo Bank
Country: USA
State: California
City: Woodland Hills
Address: 6001 Topanga Canyon Blvd
Phone: 8187164608
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