Fleet National Bank
Ripoff! Fraudulent activities on account were never resolved, liability declined. Nationwide

Business & Finance

It happened in that I discovered that $2350 had been withdrawn from my Savings account via ATM card.
I immediately went inside the bank to find out the details. They were able to tell me how much, when and where the money had been withdrawn. They told me I have to file a police report (which I did immediately) and fill out the forms they will mail to me. They would return the money to me within a couple of weeks... I trusted them, that was my mistake.

I filled out the forms they sent to me and waited for their reply, little did I know that they would deny my claim because the card was still in my possession and my husband knew the pin.

The account was a joint account with my husband (they should know that) so I answered honestly when the form asked if anybody else had access to the pin code.
I replied that even though my husband knew the pin - the card had been with me at all times, so it was an enormous accusation that my husband had taken the money.
I investigated the issue a bit myself, maybe I could proof them what had happened. I found out that the money had been withdrawn in the same location over a time period of 2 weeks. They always withdraw 350 or 400 or 500 the maximum amount available on atm.

When I found out the address of the atm I went to the store, of course there was no camera over the atm. The half round ball on the ceiling was visibly filled with plastic bags, instead of a camera. Of course they would come back to this location. There was no proof on who withdraw the money. The store camera was overwritten within 24 h, I discovered the fraud 2 days after the last transaction.

I gathered all the info, wrote another letter to Fleet, again they declined my claim. They insisted that my husband took the money. They never even saw the location or showed me that they were investigating the case. They straight up accused my husband and that was that.
Angry I wrote them another letter, stating the exact times and dates, when the money had been taken. I gave them a very exact explanation where my husband had been at these times. I even had witnesses to prove that their accusations were ridiculous.

I never heard back from them. I called the person handling the claim from Rode Island! (we lived in Somerville, NJ at the time) several times, always received his voice mail, or his assistant. I left several messages, he never replied, ignored my calls. My nerves went crazy at that time... I was worried, then angry, then frustrated and in the end even depressed over the case.

Don't trust FLEET with your Savings! I thought SAVINGS automatically means SAFE NOT AT FLEET! To this day I haven't received my money back and I keep on getting reminded on the whole incident every time I finally calm my nerves and am close to forgetting about it. BUT WHO COULD FORGET $2350!!! (plus atm fees which I had to pay for) If there is anybody out there who has experienced a similar case or can help me please contact me!

Company: Fleet National Bank
Country: USA
State: Rhode Island
Site: www.fleet.com
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