Online Biz
I was Kicked While I was All ready down! I am trying to make ends meet and these people took My Money I didn't Have! 4


Online Biz Took $39.85 out of my Bank Account then 3 Weeks Later Another $129.85. I called the 800 Phone Number only to be put on hold 3 times when I called I finally Talked to a woman who was so rude to me! I asked her what Online Biz was only for her to tell me that my husband had clicked on something and they had send emails to his email address. My husband had no emails and no clue what she was talking about. I told her I was trying to make ends meet as it was and i didn't have the money for them to be taking out of my account. She told me well mam that's the same story every joe is calling with and we will not refund your money. I was so upset I asked for a supervisor she said there was no one to talk to I told her I would be calling back with my attorney she said do as you please you will not get your money back. My husband had no emails from this company and Neither did I we where just totally stunned somebody could do this to us.

Hollywood, Maryland

Company: Online Biz
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Scottsdale
Phone: 8007493304
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