Grant Fund Search
Grant fund search ripped me off


When I read a woman story on your site about being ripped off form Grant Fund Search I couldn't believe it. The same thing happened to me only I didn't know it.

My husband filled the thing out online and used my debit card. The one day in the mail arrived this disc. I asked what it was and he said it was an informational disc on grants. That all he had to pay was a 1.98 for the disc.

Well we thought we only paid a 1.98 yeah right! About a week ago I sat to do my bills and go through my bank statement and there it was a deduction for 69.95 I had know idea what it was for.

First thing I did was called my bank. They looked it up They had no clue, but they did tell me that there was a phone number. So I called the number I got the same thing as the other lady no answer then put on hold forever. They would tell me that a supervisor would have to call me back in an hour and never did.

I got so angry I didn't give up I called them until someone would help me. Finally after fighting with these people they decided they would refund my money. They said It will take 3 to 5 days. It's only been 2 days since I've talked to them.

Unfortunately a day later I found out from my bank that from them withdrawling the 69.95 caused me to bounce 2 checks that I wrote out and was charged 37.50 insufficiant fund fees for each check.

So I tried calling the grant people back to try and get my 75.00 back. They refused and told me its not there problem my checks bounced and its not their problem that my husband used my debit card without my knowledge.

So I might be getting the 69.95 back but I'm still out 75.00. And also like the woman in the other story. My husband and I don't have a lot of money to be throwing away I also have a sick child whose meds cost around 150.00 a month not to mention our other bills.

Company: Grant Fund Search
Country: USA
Phone: 8882102544
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