Aarons Rental
Breech Of Lease On A Dell Computer By Aarons I rented this computer in Oct and have 4 payments left. I had complained to the company four times they didn't have virus protection software installed and I wasn't about to spend money on software


I am not sure what to do about this problem. I am 64 and not in good health. As I said I rented this computer in Oct and complained that there was no virus protection on their computer. They never did anything about it. This week my computer crashed and they told me " it is the customers responsibility to buy this software" " We are not responsible to fix it." We use Dell to fix our computers you have to call them"

I called Dell and got a loud recording, and part of the recording was, their techs to not do housecalls for viruses!!!

Now I have a computer, with four payments left that I don't think I can fix. The restore function went blank when I tried to use that, I can't send any emails, The search companion is not functioning etc.

It is not anywhere in my lease, nor we were ever advised we had to buy virus software. I would never have rented the computer from them if I had known this.in my lease, it states, that Aarons will maintain my computer for the term of the lease, and I am not to allow anyone but Aarons to do the work. It is my opinion, that the virus softward should be part of maintence, and they should keep their computers virus software updated.

I am not going to make the rest of the payments but I can't afford a tech to repair my computer. I have lost alot of family pictures, which had sentimental value to me. I can't answer any emails which I miss.

I wondered if anyone has ever thought of a class action lawsuit similar to Rent A Centers? We had bought alot of furniture from them years ago, and last year were notified we were defendants in the case. We got over $2000 in over paid interest we had paid.

The only last option I have is to go to Dell website and try to see if I can download a program that will remove the virus. I am so angry, and they know I am elderly.

Company: Aarons Rental
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Vineland
Address: 106 W Landis Street
Phone: 8566410117
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