Harassement at work and third party involvement


UCB has been in contact with me since November. I received the most recent call today from Melinda. She was actually very cordial today. To my surprise. Our last phone call ended with me hanging up on her. She told me that I needed to get another job, get a loan, or ask a family member to borrow the money to pay them off. Also, that it was my debt and that I needed to pay my bills or they were going to attach my wages. I asked for a bill to be sent to me and she said this could not be done. She wanted a credit card or bank account number to secure a monthly payment. I told her that I do not give out that information. Today I am writing them a letter to not contact me at work. I have verbally told them this but I still have been receiving a call on a regular basis. They have also spoken to the Human Resources department about my debt. They said to verify employment.information that they already have. Talk about being embarressed. When the woman from HR comes up and tells me that they called. I have spoken to an attorney and he has given me a few pointers. Something needs to be done about this company. It is rediculous the way that they talk to and treat people. I have never been so mad as when I get off the phone with them. This is a great web site and I am glad I found it. It is a big help!

Company: Ucb
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Toledo
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Corporate Receivables Inc
Very RUDE and UNPROFESSIONAL People like this should not be able to work in this field!

NCO Financial
Constant calls and third party contact ripoff

NCO Financial Systems
NCO Claims I called them about debt and had wrong info

Pioneer Credit Recovery
Harassed, threatened

Asset Acceptance Corp - Debt Collectors
Demanded my checking account information to pay a debt that is not mine

Alliance Asset Management
Poor customer service skills and threats to pay a debt

Allied Interstate
The last straw ripoff

Harrassing and flat out RUDE

G. C Services
GC SVC will accept checking account information only to pay a bill

Camco Capital Aquisiton Management Company
Scam, trying to collect a 12 yr. Old debt that never existed, don't give them any information