Qwest is now defrauding the public


I called qwest due to a promotion I saw on tv. The sales person sold me a bundled package. Said I was getting all three services (Internet, Phone, Direct TV) all for $65 a month. Told me I was getting 1.5 mb internet, phone with 2 features, and 200 channels. Then he pushed me to get additional recievers because 'they were absolutely free'.

This sounded too good to be true so I called two days later to recheck what he told me. Turns out everything he told me was a lie. He sold me a wireless modem that was never discussed. He signed me up for the high end internet. There was a charge for the additional receivers I didn't want in the first place. There was also a two year contract he never mentioned.

I called and spoke with two different managers. They didn't care. The response from one was "what do you want me to do about it"? They didn't care.

This is felonious fraud and it would have been my word against a corporations.

This country is going to pot and the corporations are ripping off the consumer left and right and the republicans just keep on deregulating and letting them get away with it.

Beware! Qwest is now defrauding the public!!

Company: Qwest
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 1801 California Suite 5200, Denver, CO 80202
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