Eric Singer
Arrogant, rude fill-in drummer who thinks he's something special and treats fans like slime


I know eleven years is a long time to wait to report this, but there was no internet at the time and no site like this existed.

Back in September of 1997, I had the (what I thought back then was) immense pleasure of going to a KISS convention with my friend Chris. At the time I was about 300 lbs and knew that I was a fat person. I certainly didn't need Eric Singer to tell me that, but he did.

My friend and I shopped the booths, talked to other fans, tried to win KISS action figures, and talked to people in KISS history that were pivotal, then it came time for the Eric Singer Q and A, which Chris and I were anticipating greatly, as we were both fans.

Well, Chris and I got seperated and I went to the Q and A, excited and happy to be there, hoping to find my friend as well. I didn't find him, but what happened next caused a dislike of Eric Singer forever.

I asked Mr. Singer what Alice Cooper and Paul Stanley were really like, and he answered in a surprisingly polite (for him, anyway) manner, and the microphone was handed to the young man next to me, who asked him if he was looking for a date. Mr. Singer said, "Maybe. Why?" and the guy pointed to me and said, "This girl in the black hat wants to go out with you.", to which he responded, "Her!?!? Ewwww no, I don't do fat chicks!!! Loudly enough for even people out in the hall to hear, mortifying me and about five others who then used their Q and A to tell him what they thought of him.

Well, I guess he got his because he's now dressing up as Peter Criss in Gene Simmons' fakey KISS while I guess it really is true, he who laughs last laughs best.

Company: Eric Singer
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
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