Singer Lazer Vacuum
Singer lazer storm call to get to a customer service rep. They pick up right away. Ripoff

Electronics and household app.

I've been able to make contact with Singer by calling (212) 575-0500. Demand the receptionest to connect you to the Company Legal Department. They are in denial and don't believe what is happening. They most likely will disconnect you a few times, but after several attempts they will put you through. I've already filed a claim here, but I feel this phone number noted in the heading will save a lot of time and additional aggrivation.

A friend
let's beat them at there own game.

Company: Singer Lazer Vacuum
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 4540 Worth Street
Phone: 8007168667
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Igia - Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum
Singer Lazer Storm Vacuumigia - Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum ripoff

Singer Lazer Storm

Lazer Storm
Ripoff Ordered one vacuum, charged for two, did not receive any free items

Singer Lazer Storm
Ripoff Los Angelas nationwide

Singer Lazer Storm
Ripoff, took me for a ride they charged me and nine weeks later and no vacuum

Lazer Storm Singer
Singer Lazer Storm Ripoff theives nationwide

Someone Representing Singer Lazer
Singer Lazer ripoff dishonest liers take money and run

Singer Lazer

Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum
Double billing order of vacuum cleaner, ripoff

Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum
Singer Lazer, laser, Storm Vacuum ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing