Child Protective Services And Law Enforcement
Child Protective Services nonreasonable removal of a child


The task force came to my home around noon. They searched for 4 hours. Arrested my husband, brother in law, and step son for manufacturing. After school let out and children came home, they took the people to jail.

Chief Wright of Montague County Sherrif Department called me at work and ask me what to do with my 16 year old son and my 10 year old step-son. I ask to stay with them and i would be there in about 15 min.

When i got here the task force was here, cps was here as well as the chief and the boys. The chief said they were here because my husband was manufacturing. CPS was here to remove my 10 year old into custody. Kimi Moon would not let my aunt who was approved to have him or my dad who is a liscensed foster home instead they took into custody.

I had to take my 16 year old to his dad who was abusive and a drug addict who gave drugs to my 16 year old and that is why he was with me to start with.

This occurred 1/18/07, october 3 the lab results from the drug lab came back negative for drugs. The contents were liquid detergent and the other containers were rock salt. Noapologies as this was covered by the media extensively. Of course the results were not covered.

I have had numerous drug testing proving i did not use drugs. I have had to go to parenting classes, marriage counseling and numerous other classes to bring my step son home. I had home studies done by cps and i was denied because i was too religious and the other one because i did not make enough money to support us by their standards.

The 10 year old is finally coming home June 6th but with many many stipulations.

Cps refuses to change the file for drug lab found in home when it was proven to not be a drug lab.

The local Sherrif made a comment to the media that this was a known felon house so it is obivious that someone was cooking dope here.

No apologies nor will any attorneys talk about the cases. They do not want to fight cps nor do they want to fight the sherrifs office. When will justice come?

Company: Child Protective Services And Law Enforcement
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Bowie
Address: 601 E Decatur Street
Phone: 9408726412
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