Brandy Hogan
Mother of the year - arrested 4 times in one yea


How can any mother do cocaine and drink heavily while pregnant with total disregard to the child she carries? Brandy did just that & not once, but twice. Her second child shows extreme fetal alcohol syndrome and cocaine addiction. She is known all around town at the bars for her drunken behavior including stripping while pregnant. After having the second child she continues to drink and do drugs. The biggest drug dealer in town is at her house 2-3 times a week. Brandy has been arrested four times in one year: three for DWI (lost her license) and one for bouncing checks all over town. Her home is a pig sty. She leaves the children with anyone that will take them so she can party. They are often seen filthy, in dirty diapers, and look like they are starving. Both children are by different fathers. The second is a drug addict, like her, and has recently moved in with her because he lost his apartment. He could not pay the rent because he was out on administrative leave from Sunmount, without pay. SHe is under investigation for wrongdoing. She went after him for child support like she did the first father. The first one is paying out. The second decided to go back with her to avoid it. He is no father, either. Just a drug addict. How sad is it that these poor children have to live in such a horrible place with these uncaring people. Why doesn't Social Services or the Child Support Unit do something about it before its too late?
Why is she able to continue working at Sunmount when they have a policy that you must have a current driver's license to work there?

Company: Brandy Hogan
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Tupper Lake
Address: Main Street
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Brandy Hare
(Nose Candy) is a dead beat mom that does drugs, cheats on her boyfriends and has other people watch her child so she can party!

Child Protective Services
Help! Children taken from father and given to meth addict mother..?

Darryl Smith
Dead Beat Dad with NO compasion for his own children doesnt even deserve to be called DAD Fairfield California

Brandy Anderson
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Lawton Child Support Enforcement
Keeping good people down and making money off of them

Heather Schultz
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Brandy Hare
Rip-off! She stole my man!

Medicali Dean Wenzel Child Abuse Parental Alienation Assistant

Keith Fox
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Jose Rosa III
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