Unauthorized charges to my Capital One Card by DRI


The first thing that happened that brought this to my attention was when I started to books from Scholastic in the mail that I didn't order. I contacted them and they told me they had my Capital One card number. After that I went and checked my bill for Capital One that I received a couple of days earlier and sure enough I found charges on there that were not made by me. Not only did Scholastic charge me but two other company's got me as well. I knew I had never heard of DRI*BuildMySearchBiz 866-897-2448 MN and they had build my credit card for $59.95 or the other company PW EAUCTION 8004974988 801-578-9020 UT this company billed me for $59.90. I do not own a business and have no plans to own one so why would I need anything from these company's. After finding these charges I went back to the bill from the month before and found two smaller charges from both company's of one dollar and ninety some cents each. I called Capital One and they are disputing the charges. They had to close that account and open me a new one. The bad thing about this is even thou the card is canceled if reoccuring charges come in for that account they will automatically go to the new card and I will still have to deal with it further. I checked out the website for BuildMySearchBiz and it says they do not bill people that did not sign up for their services. Well I beg to differ with both these company's I never signed up for anything. At this point I am sitting here waiting to hear from Capital One and waiting to get the papers in that I need to sign and send back. One of the email addresses used in this fraud was SUSANJOHNSON51 at gmail this has nothing to do with me. (I put that email that way so it won't highlight) I never heard of this email and I do not have a gmail account. This really makes me mad when I get hit with this kind of thing when there is all kinds of people that this happened to before and no one has stopped these company's yet.

I think there should be a way that the card company's can flag anything coming in no matter what prefix it has that ends in BuildMySearchBiz for one. Yeah I know I'm dreaming but it was a nice dream while it lasted. I hope some one reads this thing and goes after these people. All I want is for this to stop because I'm trying to get these cards paid off. We retire June. Its going to cost an arm and two legs by then to move a household from Ca to Pa. Thanks for letting me vent.

Company: DRI*BuildMySearchBiz
Country: USA
Phone: 8668972448
Site: buildmysearchbiz.com
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