Ohio Keith R. Kearney Rogers & Greenberg L.L.P
Lying on court documents harassment threating


My case has been ongoing since Nov 13 Keith R. Kearney is representing my child's father in a custody or shared parenting case. I have had nothing but problems from the time this case has been going on. At first I was not being notified of court hearing because they were using a different address and a different name for me to send my court papers.

They knew and I told this law firm and the courts the information on the court papers was incorrect and I wasn't being served. Their client knows my full name and my address as I believe this was done on purpose so I would not appear in court because I would not have known I had to be there.

I have only been served once with court papers over this whole matter taking place. I'm not even sure what we are really going to court over. The last time I spoke to their client and them the lawyer agreed we would all have a meeting and me and his client would talk things over. I had a witness to this so I'm not making this up!
They have done continues after continues in court and I have been refused every time to go through with a hearing but the magistrate said it was my right but yet I been refused everytime. Never once has my child been brought up in court, in court I was personally attacked for my husband being active duty military as well as why we were getting married this was right before we got married when is our child due and how long we have known one another.

I was never ask anything about my child during the court hearings they just ask why we have moved twice in the last year. That was due to my husbands military career and was totally out of our control. The last court hearing last month I was verbally attacked in front of other people waiting to be seen in court by another lawyer from this law firm which was uncalled for and embarrassing this has happened twice.in court I was verbally attacked over when my husband was deploying and when my baby is due, once again has nothing to do with my child. The magistrate claimed the reason for this was they wanted to work the court dates around his deployment and when our child was due. I told them I have no way of knowing when my baby will be born for sure. I said I would like to get everything in court taken care of because my husband is set to deploy and I really want to spend time with him and our family before he leaves for his tour. The female attorney subbing in and the magistrate found this funny and laughed at my exspense and I even heard this attorney say yeah what ever! I find this disgracing as well as a slap in our face as a military family. I'm glad to know deployments are funny to attorneys and the courts.

The magistrate goes along with everything these lawyers say or do in court they are allowed their time in court to speak however I am not and was threatened by the magistrate to be held in contempt for trying to speak. A female attorney who was filling in for Keith R. Kearney threatened to have me arrested outside the court room and removed from the courts because I was confronting the client and her for lying on court documents.
Of course they did this in front of people waiting to appear in court themselves and they made a seen.
I do have witness to this I'm sure the court has video cameras so one would think this all would be on tape. The law firm and their client my child's father has lied on court documents. My child has always lived with me since birth the child's father has been in and out of the picture all her life. A great deal of time went by where no child support was even paid by the father. I have been in court in the past but it was over his child support.

Due to the actions of this law firm and their client I cannot access my child's medical records and probably not enroll her in school this fall. They have on court documents the child lives with the father and attends school at his residence which is not true. I can more than prove the child has always and does live and go to my school district. The father has went and removed me her mother off of medical records and has himself down as he has legal custody, so doctors refused me her records.

I went to the court last week and they told me there was nothing to do as him and his lawyers have down the child resides with him and that would be he is the primary parent. During the last hearing the female lawyer subbing in for his attorney said we did have a meeting and we never agreed on anything. I have never met with these people a day in my life or every spoke to any of them outside the court house other then their client. When I tried to tell the magistrate this was not true she told me to be quite or I will be held in contempt. I am on bed rest from my doctor and so I'm not working right at this time for health reasons. My husband does not make that great of money being in the military and we have searched and seen many lawyers and they all want thousands for this case. We cannot come up with that so we are fighting a losing battle. My child is covered under my husbands insurance however we cannot get her medical records to the base as I am being denied them because of her father changing the medical information.
My child's father has threatened to come in our home and remove my daughter he says he can do this his attorneys told him not to worry about anything they already have this case won. My child's father is a police officer who has had sexual allegations on him in the past with a minor and he got away with that now he is doing whatever he wants in court when it comes to our case. This very same law firm represented him in that matter as well.
I don't even want to go back to court anymore this has been going on almost a year I'm tired of being harassed and threatened by my child's father and this law firm lying having false documents in court and making a seen every time we are at court.

I have said in court that if the harassment does not stop I would file a tpo the magistrate and the female attorney subbing in laughed and said go right ahead you won't get one. So it's good know this is a laughing matter and someone can call and harassed me almost everyday and threatened to remove my child and threaten me if I do not leave my husband he will get custody of my child. Anyway that's not all of everything that is going on or has taken place that just a run down. The court is aware the documents this law firm has on file is all false but they won't do anything about it.

Company: Ohio Keith R. Kearney Rogers & Greenberg L.L.P
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Dayton
Address: 2160 Kettering Tower Dayton, Ohio 45423
Phone: 9372238171
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