Expsdite Solutions
Expedite Solutions beware


Me and my wife signed on to expedite solutions in late 05. We where brought there by his web site www.expedite solutions.com.in hopes to make some money like other couples that have filed reports on here.

We arrived to find out that we where staying at a half way house for convicts that just got released but there web site showed this lovely furnished room. Went through training like so many others like me and her and thought this was a great place and company to work for. We where told about the fuel surcharge and other pay that you receive along with your other pay on payday. We received our truck whick looked like it seen better days. And off we went on our journey into hell.

Our first run was too virgina.in which on the way there in a rain storm the windsheild wiper fell off the driver side. Had to get that fixed no problem. Had windsheild wiper fixed just too find out the taillights on the truck where wired wrong got that fixed no problem. Drove for about a week with several more problems with the truck resulting with more repairs. Got our first pay check to find out that in a weeks time we had made a whole wopping 35 dollors yes 35 bucks.

Called and compalined about our money for all the work we did and was informed that they hold that money back from you untill the 16 of each month your fuel surcharge money and other things that add into there. Called the other couple that we trained with and they where told the same thing. We where informed we where told this in training but for some odd reason four grown adults didnt catch a word of this.

The more we drove the more broke we got with him and the truck broke down on every street corner in every town in the usa. Getting the truck fixed was like pulling teeth but if you brought it back to his shop no problem at your cost in fuel. Our truck leaked more oil then the exxon veldez did in alaska the headlight fell out in ohio one night bunk heat broke power inverter didnt work starter was shot couldnt shut the truck off in which kyle was told this many times. Pasenger door would vibrate open on its own while going down the road. Never made anything there money wise but went farther in debt.

In november my wife passed away from a heart attack which i belleive was brought on with the constant break downs of the truck and everything else that went along with it. Was also told by panther transportation that day of her death that i was obligated to take the load the rest of the way no matter what. I would like to get a class action against this company just like everyone else

Company: Expsdite Solutions
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
Address: 3617 Raymond
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