Pulling ou 5.95 a month every since last year why i dont know and want it stop


Last year this company is pulling 5.95 a month for people who live pay check to pay check even this amount is alot and cause me over drafti try to get a number for it to stop no number at all i dont want themto get this out of my account and i am tired of changing my account
for this stupied thing it needs to stop

Company: Christine
Country: USA
State: California
City: Escondido
Address: 1302 Oak Hill Dr Apt 111
Phone: 7607410364
  <     >  

They keep taking 34.95 a month out and i call to tell them to stop and they keep pulling the same amount out every month

Local Net
Local Net complaints

Ripoff, cheat, swindle, lie Texas
Consumer Report

Wells Fargo Bank NA
Will not honor stop payment, says it is never gauranteed even though they charged me

Bank of America
Bank of America - Bank of america in general

Tlg Great Fun
TLGGreat fun is charging my creditcard every month I have tried to call the 800 number no reponse, I have no idea what this is need to stop charging my account

Us Sweepstakes Advisors
Only 20 dollars to get 3,900, 622.00 ya right take it out of my check

Magazine Services Of America
They send me magazines i didnt order and have been takeing 57.48out of my checking acc for 6 monthes i want them to stop

Ap9* 800-316-8774 Ct
Ripoff! AP9 Scam! Watch your account!