Quincy Marketing Geo Holiday Promotion
FALSE advertising/FALSE repitatation


12/4-Received a call, "message left. STATING guarantee won of Ford Explorer and/or 25,000 cash. MESSAGE saved. # to call back, busy all day yesterday. Called 1st this morn. Spoke w/a Virginia who stated I have guarantee one of the following Ford Explorer, $25,000 cash, 6 day 5 nights in Florida/Bahama's or a 27" Color TV. Took some info from me, made appt to go to receive. NOT one time was anything mentioned about a 90 minute presentation I was going to have to attend. FAXED over directions and thats when it states about a presentation. CALLED back, spoke to a rude Mananger named Richard WHO stated it was recorded and that Virgina along w/Renee another manager DID inform me about the presentation. Wrong. I recorded conversation w/him. I plan on sending this to the AZ County Assoc office for "spam" related, false advertising. I'm also going to seek a attorney. Message received/left CLEARLY stated Congradualtions YOU are "guaranteed" a Ford Explorer or $25,000 cash to call. VERY, VERY false repisentation of services... Leak to your Co... A

Company: Quincy Marketing Geo Holiday Promotion
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 920 E. University #202 2nd Flr
Phone: 8003106991
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Refuse to rent trailers

Ford Motor Company
Ford Explorer 1997

Bell Ford
Auto Dealer Bait and Switch. Screwed!

Vacation Station
Telemarket Rip-Off

Spradley Ford/Cheyenne
Spradley Ford dishonest ripoff

Ford Motor Co
No heat 2004 ford explorer - Ford motor co

Brad @ Longwood, Inc
Brad Same thing 'Brad' left a message stating that there was a guarente that he coula sell my car. I call back and spoke to Denise she told me that Bad was not available but she could help me. She stated i

Champion Ford Edinboro / 2001 Ford Explorer
Inferior parts

Bartow Ford
Vehicle troubles Ford won't buy back our vehicle

FORD Motor Company
The heat will NOT switch over from cold. There are atleast 100 people that are having the same isuues with their 03-04 explorers. Ford says $1,500 to fix! Dearborn