Tower Of Power Sales Inc, South Pacific Subscription Inc, Pacific Coast Clearing Services
Complete Fraud, Sending young women to pedal magazine sales


I had a young woman come to my door to ask if i would help her with suggestions for a career. I told her sure. She said she was trying to get points for a trip to Europe and the more she learned about people the better chances she would win. She definitly knew how to sell it. She handed me a tri-fold of magazines with point values. I looked over them and then started to become suspicious. She must have realized it cause she kept saying she just got out of high school and signed up for this program in asporation to learn what she wanted to go to college for. I said ok whatever signed up for a few magazines. I asked her how much it was. She said $150 dollars. WOW! Ok being the good samaritian i figured it was for a good cause. Then she started pushing for cash. I said sorry dont have cash, she said check or debt would be acceptable. I told her that i would give her a check cause she does not need my debt card number. Then she said for a bonus if i paid in change she would get a bonus 1000 points. I laughed and said no check would do. Before she left i asked her what college she was thinking about going to and she said Harvard. All the bells went off in my head. So i looked it up on the internet and found out from this site that it was a scam. I imediately called my bank and canceled my check. A cost of $20 dollars was alot better than $150. I then went to warn a friend in the same complex and saw another girl trying to do the same thing. I warned the guy she was talking to and called the cops. The cop said he would write it up and put it in as pedalling. He said there was not much more he could do since it was out of state it was an FBI thing. So not much to go on. So heads up dont fall for it like i did and so many others that live near me.

Company: Tower Of Power Sales Inc, South Pacific Subscription Inc, Pacific Coast Clearing Services
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Gig Harbor
Address: 5775 Soundview Dr. Ste 103C
Phone: 2538518414
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Tower Of Power Sales Inc
Close your doors when young teens out of high school asks you to help them win points to trips

Tower Of Power Sales, Inc
Scam, books, magazines, well-mannered

Tower Of Power Sales, Inc
Magazines, Tower of Power, Gig Harbor, points

Tower Of Power Sales
Rip off to win trip buy selling magazine subscriptions

Tower Of Power Sales
Magazine Scam? The line, "I feel dirty" REALLY applies here!
A young man came to my door selling magazines for college. I puchased a magazine and paid by check in the amount of $43.00. Never got the magazine

Dss, inc
High schoo girl came to house an said she was getting points for college. If she won she gets so much money for college. I never received my magazines and paid her in cash. Thought i was helping kids

Palmetto Marketin

Tower Of Power Sales
Trip to europe contest

Very Suspicious & Despicable!