$57 Magazine scam! Took my money and didn't delive


I answered the door to a slick teenage boy with redish brown hair, brown eyes, about 5'8' os so saying he was a local student raising money to study abroad (in Italy). He was really dorky looking and I felt sorry for him. Big smile and all.

I ordered a well known men's magazine for my boyfriend and I was promised a 12 month subscription for $42. And he said he was 4 sales away from finishing his goal. The total was $57.00 but my check was $42. He said the magazine would come in 3 to 4 weeks. He was slick. After the total came out to be more than originally stated, I got a funny feeling and googled the company name he had me write the check out to, and sure enough. Nothing but scam reports came up! The guy took $57 from a struggling young woman! What a creep! I stopped payment on my check but I still got took for the $20 stop payment fee: (

All I can say is what goes around comes around. When his comes around, it's going to knock him on his rear!!

Company: Glc
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Bernardinbo
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GLC, INC Fun Sales, Inc
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Magazine Glc Inc
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