I am just another victim of this collections scam


I am just another victim of this collections scam
I also was delivered a collection notice for a Verizon North Inc. Phone # that I did not possess for a total of $507.89.

I have good credit and have NEVER faulted on any of my bills.
I called the number on the letter and am concerned with the fact that this company had my personal info (SSN and address).

With all the reports here, I would like to find one that offered a valid solution to the problem.
I will send a letter to the Attorney General's office and also contact the Better Business Bureau.

Company: Afni
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: Afni, Inc. PO BOX 3427
Phone: 8663081160
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Afni, Inc
Fraud claim collections

Afni - Verizon
Afni sent bogus collections letter ripoff

Afni, Inc
Afni, verizon communications fraudalent collection notice from verizon communications ripoff

Afni Collections
Afni rip off

Afni Collections
Rouge collection agency

Afni, Verizon
AFNI sends collections letter on behalf of Verizon

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Collections fraudulent collections on behalf of verizon communications ripoff

Afni Collections
Phony bill!

Afni Collections
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