Afni, Inc
Fraud claim collections

Education & Science

It appears that I am just another victim of this collections scam as I have superb credit and have NEVER faulted on any of my bills. I also was delivered a collection notice for a Verizon California Inc phone # that I did not possess for a total of $671.69.

I called the number on the letter and am concerned with the fact that this company had my personal info (SSN and address).

With all the reports here, I would like to find one that offered a valid solution to the problem.

Company: Afni, Inc
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Bloomington
Address: PO Box 3427
Phone: 8663081160
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I am just another victim of this collections scam

Afni Collections
This is a Scam Rip-Off Company that tries to collect fake bills, and could ruin your credit

AFNI, Afni Collections rip off

Verizon Comm. Collection notice from Afni fraud!

Afni Collections
Phony bill!

Afni Collections
Fraud and cheating!

Afni Collections
Please file FTC complaints against Afni Collections!

Afni Collections
Fraud and cheating!

Afni Collections Inc
Verizon False Collection Notice AFNI sent a collection notice for a non-existent account

Afni Collections
T-Mobile is Victim too