NY State Police BCI
Police are lying, corrupt, instigating


I cannot go into too much detail at this time because this case is still pending. I can however say that I was "accused" of something by an individual who has no credibility whatsoever. This person lied on the statement they made and then admitted to lying in a follow up statement.

The police came to my house and asked me if I would come to the station and "help" them to discredit the accusation. I said "sure". Since I am a Peace Officer, I thought we were working together to get it straightened out.

Well, I soon found myself being accused by the NY State Police Investigators of the crime. I know my rights and I asked for an attorney and offered to come back the next day and give them whatever they wanted with my attorney's approval. I would have cooperated fully if the guy hadn't asked to see my genitals and asked if he could take a picture of my balls!

I again asked for a lawyer and was told I didn't need one. I tried to leave, they wouldn't let me (3 times). And I still wasn't read my rights. This was only 1/2 hour into the "meeting". About 9 hrs later, I was still there and still not under arrest so I know that something is up. I am a law enforcement officer for Christ's sake!

Finally, after this investigator asked me about 70 times to just give him something he could work with and give to his boss. He made up his own version of a story and said "I know you didn't do this, just tell me something much less than the complaint and you can go home to your pregnant fiance" I said " go ahead write down whatever it is you want me to say and I will sign it, under duress" There were two of them in the room at this time and I looked at both of them and said that I would sign their statement "under duress". I needed my medications that they refused me (psych, blood pressure and acid) and I needed all of them RIGHT AWAY! Long story short, I am charged with a felony and arraigned in another court in a town some 45 miles away! I am so confused by all that has happened. I am not allowed in to my workplace, I was denied unemployment and I have a family. My fiance was 9 months pregnant and we had a miscarraige last year. (baby was born and she is wonderful) But how do I take care of my family with no income and no reason?

Why am I GUILTY until proven innocent? They won't plea down. (even though, I didn't do anything) But I don't have $50,000 to fight the system, a system by the way that has many flaws. So now I can't get a GOOD lawyer because I have no income, and if they do offer a plea, they already said they won't drop the felony charge. There goes my 20 year law enforcement career out the window along with my pension and my dignity. A plea is just as bad as admitting to something. I did no such thing. But I would plea down just to get on with my life and resign from the thankless job that I now see was a heart attack waiting to happen. I was held for 16 HOURS and not allowed to eat, take my medications or leave at my own will and was never placed under arrest until 15 hours after I arrived!!!

Is there an attorney out there who wants to help me enjoy the civil rights I am entitled to? I am a Military Veteran also! Aint that some thanks?

Someone please help! Media, Lawyers, Judges

Company: NY State Police BCI
Country: USA
State: New York
City: NY State
Address: NY State
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