MTC Trucking School
In homewood, mo do not go to this trucking school unless you're rich!


I went to MTC back in April of only a few months ago. They gave me all kinds of false hopes and lies, SO BEWARE IF YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT GOING WITH THIS COMPANY FOR TRAINING! I got there and everything was fine. The people were nice, the classes were interesting, and everything seemed in order, until I was honest and told them that I occasionally drink, BUT I NEVER SAID I DRINK EVERYDAY OR THAT I AM AN ALCOHOLIC.

They disqualified me for the drinking, and because I was on antidepressants and a sleep medication, which I told them I only took maybe once a week if I couldn't sleep, not on a regular basis. I explained to them that I drank maybe a few beers during the week, and maybe had a few shots on the weekend with friends, and so they disqualified me.

Also because I was smoking pot a last year and sought out a counselor to help me kick the habit, they disqualified me for that as well. Geez... I thought only crack heads got this kind of treatment! So, I had spent over $200 on cab fair which I wasn't supposed to pay, the registration fee, and a room for the first night I arrived there, which I wasn't supposed to have to pay either, and thenthey sent me packing with no money, no way home, and I lived 9 hours away. Thanks A LOT MTC!

But that isn't the worst of it yet. Two months later I geta bill in the mail saying that I owe someone, doesn't say who, almost $3000 and it doesn't say for what. So I call the 1-800# listed and they tell me I've been sent to a collection agency for this amount by MTC. So I spend a total of 3 days in their classes and now I owe them $3000? I don't think so!!!

They told me when they disqualified me that I owed nothing. Not only did they kick me out for flase reasons, they accused me of self medicating, being a liar, they told my husband that I was sharing a room with another man and sleeping with him, and they accused me of being a drug addict, which I am no longer and will never be again. HOW DARE YOU? Do you not have any dignity? So if you are considering MTC for your truck driver training, STEER CLEAR! I'm not the only person on here complaining about these pieces of s*t. Hope someone puts them out of business!!!

Company: MTC Trucking School
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Homewood
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CR England
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