Swift Trucking Company
Swift trucking ripoff collecting tuition without fulfilling the classes san antonio texas

Education & Science

Students are required to fill out extensive paperwork prior to be accepted to the driving school. This paperwork includes any convictions they have ever had, my son had a misdmeanor at 17, he is now 23, and has had no other problems. The charges were basically concerning a domestic dispute between he and his sister. The officer involved offered to call and talk to the school, not understanding why they accepted him, told him all his paperwork was fine, only to tell him in the last week of the class he was being sent home and owed them $3000.00

According to the web site and a recruiter I spoke to at another terminal, the students are not to start school until all of this is cleared. So basically all they are doing is saying they are clear to go to class... Let them attend some classes... Then send them home empty handed saying you owe us $3000.00. An easy money scheme for the company.

He passed all the written exams with 93 or above and all driving so far with flying colors. This company is not looking for qualified drivers, they are looking to make an easy buck from those trying to better themselves in the job marked in order to not become a part of the welfare system. To lead productive lives with families and work they are good at and enjoy. Swift justs beats this all down with their way of after the fact pulling the schemes they are so good at. Why would a student who has served time for a felony clear the system but not a misdemeanor???

I hope no other person has to go through the let down that this company has now put on my son. He was so excited to be finally finding his place in today's society, performing a trade that he loved.

Company: Swift Trucking Company
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Antonio
Address: 5348 E. Houston
Phone: 8004306340
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