C-1 Truck Driving School, Driver Solutions
C-1 Truck Driving School, Driver Solutions rip off, con, Fort Wayne

Education & Science

I signed up with driver solutions (c-1 truck driving school, ft wayne ind.) after retiring from chrysler corp. I was looking for a way to get into the trucking industry, they ran an add in the local news paper. It all sounded so good. Well let me tell you, what a joke / they advertise state of the art training and equipment. I quess to some an old trailer for a class room and a chalk board might be impressive, but i was not impressed at all. The trucks used for training were beatup as were the training grounds. The housing provided to the students by driver solutions under the contract were a real dump, located just a few hundred feet away from a strip joint, parties and fights could be heard all night long, every night. The students received calls at night from drug dealers and prostitutes. There was an outbreak of bed bugs and skavies, and when a few students complained they were secretly moved into another, cleaner motel, and told not to tell the other students, (including myself). After a few weeks of living in the condictions, contacting scavies and bed bugs, itching and scrathing constantly, unable to sleep. I decided I had had enough. I volentarily moved myself out of the filthy room where c-1 was housing me, and spent the next three days living in my car. This is when I found out about the secret deal c-1 had with the other students. I was pissed, they were not in the least concered with my health or the other students as they knowingly continued to house us in this infected dump while secretly moving the ones that became infected to other housing. I went in to the office and told the instructor in charge that I was living in my car because of the infestation and unhealthy conditions. I was provided new housing at this time. This was all reported and documented to the Ind. Board health dept.By myself and others.

This is just the begaining of this complaint, much more is to come, including (their bill), (training with USA truck, a real joke), all I can say is if you are considering DRIVER SOLUTIONS, DONT / DONT/DONT

Company: C-1 Truck Driving School, Driver Solutions
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
Address: 3603 E Raymond St
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