P. Scott Lawery
This company is overcharging on interest rate, over notification to family you might not have spoken to since 15yrs ago, along with constant phone calls from them. I might as well ask them to reimburse me for my cell phone minutes being wasted! Ripoff


I'm not happy with this company. This is a debt I've paid off from a previous acct. From over $1K down to below $500. Due to the interest rate discribed about this company, I understand, sadly. I've been over charged big time. There isnt any mentioning on their statements, just "call us to discuss or make arrangements" along with a price listed on their page. I have gone from trying to pay under or off this debt with a $200 check, and STILL the amount owed equals to $570? How do you figure that?

I just called them, letting them know i've read about their reviews on over priced interest rate, and that I no longer wish to have them handling my acct. Since I plan on paying that with BOA tomorrow.

I'm done with this company! Lawyers like this are nothing but sleeze. They are crooks that should be locked up to make themselves learn.

Company: P. Scott Lawery
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Address: 4500 Cherry Creek Drive South STE 700
Phone: 3032187550
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NCO Financial Systems
Asking for additional charges

Discover Card
Ripoff Wilmington nationwide

Scott Lowery Collect America
I had a $20,000 MBNA debt that got sold off to Scott Lowery/Collect America. They told me that I could make $300 payments a 0% interest rate. I made payments for over two years

MBNA America Bank, NA
Doubled interest rate with no missed payments ripoff

AT&T Universal Card
Unscrupulous Interest Rate Hike

Washington Mutual Bank
Washington Mutual Card Services raised my interest from 13% to 27.9%

"Key To Your Wallet Bank" ripoff of 12 days of interest owed on substantial savings and other shameful acts

NCO Finacial
NCO was robbing me blind. I finally can see and need to put an end to this!

Bank of America
Interest Rate

Merchants' Credit Guide Co
Apparently Fraud