Merchants' Credit Guide Co
Apparently Fraud

Business & Finance

This act of fraud has happened to my father. A letter has been sent to him with the description of what I read today from other reports. When I called the lady to discuss the options she said they are willing to take whatever my dad could afford. She was somewhat rude when I asked if statements would be sent to him to determine how much he was paying off each month and she said "he has so much to pay off that it will take a long time". When I asked the interest rate he would be paying back the "debt" at she couldn't tell me, she said "it would be paid back at whatever interest rate he was paying originally". It did seem fishy to me so I discussed the matter with a friend and she said I should check for fraud and sure enough today I checked and I was shocked to what I had found! Unfortunately my dad has sent money to this company, fortunately it was a small amount of money. It is terrible to see that people do this to others!

Company: Merchants' Credit Guide Co
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 223 W. Jackson Blvd
Phone: 8882494134
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