Integrity Program
Fraudulent Charity Fundraising ripoff


Same as the other stories. Good old Ashlee (Ashlie on the website) showed up in Phoenix on 4-24-07 claiming she lives on the block behind us, going to ASU and needs to raise money to go to London to be in a stage show and broadcast on local TV station. Daddy's in Iraq too, absolutley lives a parallel life to ours to up the sympathy quotient. Selling children's books to raise the money.

Ok, two weeks later the order number is no good on the Integrity website, days later a mailing comes from them claiming the order cant be fulfilled for no good reason, offers worthless magazines as an alternative, and for good measure quotes a new account number that also is bogus on their website. Fortunately able to stop payment on the check before worse could happen.

Company: Integrity Program
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 2620 Maryland Pkwy #953
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Integrity Sales
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Integrity Program
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Integrity Program
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