Integrity Sales
Ripoff scam selling books for trip for cancer patientsSCAM ARTISTS

Education & Science

Meridian, Mississippi: These people are still at it. I see reports similar to this one on this website from as far back as 2005. Two boys came to my door claiming they lived around the corner and were selling books to raise money for a trip to England so they could participate in a BBC Broadcasting program for college broadcasting majors. They claimed they were 4.0 students at MSU and would be graduating next semester. The books we purchased were to be sent to a Children's Hospital in Orlando for use on the cancer ward. The boys were brazen enough to ask to come into our home so they could write the order up on a table. They asked for $96 for a "set" of children's books!!!

Simultaneously, our nextdoor neighbors were being solicitated by two young girls (18ish) who were also selling books for a trip, the books supposedly for children in New Orleans.

I am surprised nothing has been done about integrity sales. After perusing this website (rip-off's website), I was startled to learn how corrupt this organization is, particularly in regards to their abuse of teen-aged children. Why is this company not being investigated? It sounds to me that the children they employ to go door-to-door are being exploited and abused.

Company: Integrity Sales
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Nxcess sales, LLC PO Box 82426 Phoenix, AR 85071
Salesperson - Jordan Wyatt Two young men and a father were selling books to pay for soccer team's trip to England to represent Sacramento in International match

Integrity Program LLC SCAM artist pretending to be part of the USA Women's Olympic Team in Dallas Texas. Door-to-door Sales Nevada

Integrity Program
Fraud Rip-Off Lied that books they were selling were to rasie $"UCLA student trip to Europe"

Prestige Sales, LLC
Meghan Rose was selling children's books to donate to the hospital for Christmas, and she was trying to raise money for a school trip. I would get a $35 Visa gift card in return

Integrity Program - David
Door to Door Children's Books Never delivered books ripoff

Prestige Sales - Shawn Haas
Young college student, neighbor boy, children's hospital, local newspape

Integrity PGM
Integrity PGM door-to-door books for children sales raising money for trip to europe Houston

Integrity Sales - Book Sales To Benefit Strong Children's Hospital Scam
Integrity Sales - Book Sales To Benefit Strong Children's Hospital Scam - Kelli Armstrong - Scammer Door-to-door book sales was supposed to benefit U of R students and Strong Children's Hospital-PHONY Ripoff

First Class Sales
Angel Germain Scamming Houston residents by selling children's books door to door for M.D. Anderson

The Southwestern Company
Bought $71 worth of children's educational books from "college girl" going door to door