Donna Smith
Ripoff dead beat mother won't even call or write her children


She lost custody to me in the divorce due to testing 4 times the lethal limit for crack cocaine. I initially let her off the hook so she could get into a position where she could help support them, that was in 1999, she hasnt called or written or even made an attempt to visit them, but i looked her up in june on the net and called her at my daughters request only to find she is living with a married man and raising his kids. What happened to the five she gave birth to?

We had 5 kids together, 3 boys 2 girls. I had to recently file formally for child support and was granted it in January. I waited for a couple months, nothing, so i called the local CSE office and this is where the kicker is, I am being treated as if im doing something bad asking for support and am being told so by snyde remarks and a lack of action being taken unless i hound them to the point of taking a day from work to address this. I feel i am being sexually discriminated against because i am a man, and i offer this as a supporting example;She and i had split up before our divorce and she filed for support which i was already paying as well as paying for her groceries. The state of florida wasted no time, I was summond to court swiftlike and ordered to pay support and carry insurance which i complied with. I changed jobs during the time we were seperated and missed a week payment, I had a warrant issued for me and had my license suspended, within that one week! Friends do you see my point? Because I am male I was swiftly persued only took less than 7 days, my exwife wont work, never has, and is a crackhead which is provable through court records and according to the CSE has flat refused to pay. Im confused if she can feed a 200 a day habit, why cant she pay the 500 a MONTH support?

And why is the state so slow to apply its law to a deadbeat mom. But is quik to say something like DEAD BEAT DADS ARE AN EPIDEMIC AND SHOULD BE PUNISHED, I thought we lived in a country where the law is blind, sees no sex no color no nationality, just sees the law as it is written, the right way to have put that is dead beat parents are a national epidemic, it sites niether sex because it includes both sexes. Im just a blue collar worker with a little college under my belt so im no lawyer but i do have alot of common sense and this wreaks of sexual discrimination on a state level, if this is happening all over the country then on a federal level. I reside in polk county florida so i can only speak on the happenings here. Ive worked in some companies where they were sued for discrimination based on sex and they lost to the victim..

As i said before im no lawyer but id say this is basically the same thing and am researching wether or not a lawsuit can be filed. Can anyone help me? Can anyone point the way? Are there any more dads trying to get support but keep running into obstacles based on the fact you are a man? I must also say this in this report please dont reply with stupidity, if you owe the support male or female dont be a waste of skin and try and dodge it, pay it, its your flesh and blood.

Company: Donna Smith
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Bucyrus
Address: 7 Pinewood
Phone: 4195612426
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