Westminster Mall Selling neglected, sick puppies Ripoff


I purchased a puppy from Indogneato, Westminster Mall, CA, on March 2. When I purchased him he was given a clean bill of health from their vet and I received a letter from the vet stating he was "fit for sale." However, on the evening of March2, he went into a coughing attack in the car that lasted for over two minutes straight. He was wheezing and coughing. Also, he was extremely thin and his rib and hip bones were showing. When I got home he continued to cough and wheeze every 2 minutes or so and then had diarreaha that had blood in it. I was crying and so alarmed by the health condition of the puppy that I called the store the very next morning. Brad, the store manager, told me there was nothing he could do and they would not refund me or take the puppy back. I was not in a financial stituation to pay for large vet bills, and this puppy was severely ill. I decided to rush him on Saturday Night to an emergency vet clinic called All Care Animal Referral Center, because it was so late at night, around 8PM. The puppy had diarrea with blood in it all day on March 3 and it was all over my car and carpets in my home. The puppy was having diarrea every ten minutes or so and I was so scared because he was coughing non stop and wheezing.

The vet told me that he was severely neglected and had coccidia, and an advanced parasite infection that had spread into his stomach area and past the intestinal tract. Also, the vet told me his cough was due to an advanced respiratory infection that had spread throughout his lungs. He was diagnosed with pnemonia and I was given three medications which he was to take three times a day. I took him home and after 336.00 in bills for the vet and then one week later, the bloody diarrea had not stopped so he had to go back to the vet for more tests. The puppy had such an infection that there were several parasites living in his abdominal area and he had to be given two more medications. This cost me another 200 dollars.

After three weeks the dog was fine and up and running. However, the dog ultimately cost me 919 for the pet, then 536 in vet bills less than one week after purchase. The pet store has NOT refunded me and I contacted the manager several times and also the owners of the store.

The owners replied back that they wont refund me and the dog was fine, despite my vet bills and diagnosis.

I contacted the DA and animal control. THe animal control blamed me, the consumer, and said that Indogneato is a fine business and that I am just "causing trouble."

I have not received a check for the vet bills, which I provided them.
I am very angry at the way this was handled, and feel like this was injustice and the whole thing was a heart breaking experience.

The only solace I have is that I saved this dog from death. He was half dead when I bought him and now he is a happy, healthy, playful puppy. However, the business should not be allowed to practice the sale of animals if they are neglecte and in poor health.
Or, the business should compensate for the vet bills when the vet has determined the dog is very ill and in need of urgent care.

Company: Indogneato
Country: USA
State: California
City: Westminster
Address: 1041 Westminster Mall
Phone: 7148928367
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