SKO Brenner American
Credit Collection Attempt for Deceptive Sprint PCS Contract Ripoff


In response to a computer pop up one day a reviewed, for a 'free phone' offer, and the computer form is set up in a way where your name and address are asked for and when you get to the page where the terms are finally revealed, it is a trap and you cannot exit or delete your entry.

One day a package came from UPS and guess what, the phone and contract which I sent back unsigned and phone unused, inactivate... Ever.

Then came the calls and letters from Sprint PCS from persons who simply did not listen to my point of view that the free phone offer wasnt something I wanted after all.

I have taken many calls from persons in the past and explained I did not sign the contract nor did I accapt the phone.

Today in the mail I recieved a letter from this collection agency demanding $250.00 for the unfullfilled contract I refused to begin with.

This is a sprint PCS decptive practice that is recorded in very many instances, and now they forward this to collection...

Company: SKO Brenner American
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Farmingdale
Address: 40 Daniel Street
Phone: 8662813142
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Sprint Pcs
Don't use!

Sprint PCS
Cancelled my account with Sprint and switched to Verizon only to find out I "signed" a verbal contract

Sprint - Sprintspcs
Sprint PCS Changes the rules, sics collection agencies on you.internet


Sprint taking me to collection for a past due bill that is being paid on

Sprint PCS
Fraudulent Billing, sent me on wild goose chase to obtain documentation that we extended out contract 2 years. They can not produce documentation!

Has a collection department they should use it

I hate them


Sprint - Nextel
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