IGIA Singer Laszer Storm Vacuum
They stole money out of my bank account for an order I did not make


This has been going on since August and it is time to pay up. Your add was a lie. I tried to get one vacuum and they did not speak English very good so I told them to stop the order and she said ok. Then you took $313.70 out of my bank account and never put it back.

This was more than the deal on TV and I told them on the phone to stop the order and they said ok. You have sent me emails and mailed me letters the money was on the way. (More lies I can see!) You even had me to have the bank to Fax you that the card was closed do to this and that is was a weeks pay you took from me.

The first email I sent to you was on August 11 and now I have sent more than 2000 emails and over 4000 phone calls and know one has been any help with this. This was card theft

Company: IGIA Singer Laszer Storm Vacuum
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Lebanon
Address: 6960 Earthgate Boulevard
Phone: 8007168667
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