Time Warner Cable
Time and Money Wasted Once Again With Time Warner Cable Ripoff


Here is the letter I've recently sent to Time Warner. I think it describes everything I want to post on here:

Attn: Research Manager

I've been a Time Warner customer for a little over a month now and have had nothing but problems since I've signed up.

The initial set up occurred July 1st of this year. The technician must have done a horrible job setting everything up to begin with. The cable and internet worked for about four days. That's when the problems began. I was unable to get online for days at a time. The internet would work for two days and not work for five or more, just to work again for three days and not work for another three days.

I called Time Warner and was given another appointment. The technician who arrived was friendly and even showed me why he thought my internet connection was having so many issues. Long story short, he changed the splitter'. The internet worked for two days and died again. I immediately called Time Warner to set up another appointment.

During the time of my appointment, those of us in Western Queens (Astoria) endured a week long power outage. I called Time Warner to cancel my appointment and was given another one.

Around this time, my cable began having issues as well. I called just to make sure the next technician would be able to assist me with that issue and was told that, due to the restoration of power in the area, my appointment had been canceled. Why would this company cancel my appointment without calling to let me know? Had I taken off work and sat in my apartment waiting for these folks to show upyou can imagine how upset anyone would be if this happened.

I called back a number of times to attempt to set up another appointment and was told to call back at a later date. For some strange reason, Time Warner was not accepting any new appointments at those times.

Finally, I was able to get an appointment for August 2nd (yesterday) from 2-6 pm. I took a half day from work for this appointment. I never received a confirmation call, so I called that day around 12:30 to make sure my appointment hadn't been dropped, again. After waiting a few hours, I called at 5 pm to make sure the technician was still coming. The woman I spoke to assured me he was on his way. I called again at 6 pm and was told by a gentleman that I would receive a call from the technician within the next half hour. At 6:50 pm, I called and spoke to a lady who, at first, said there was no way to find out where the technician was. I expressed my frustrations with this company and was put on hold. She then came back and told me that, due to the heat, the technician had decided he would not be taking my appointment.

Needless to say, I was outraged. I took a half day from work, using my vacation hours, to sit in my apartment and wait for your technician to come to my place to fix a problem that should have been solved the first AND second time around. This is ridiculous. I would like to know what kind of customer service you have going on over there?

The reps were pleasant enough. I'm aware there isn't much they can do over the phone. Your technicians, however, are a different story altogether. Not only did the first one show up demanding to use my cell phone to call in', but you people have the nerve to cancel TWO appointments without telling me. What's even funnier is that you expect me to pay for service I have NOT received. Does this make sense to you?

Here's the deal. I've CANCELED my subscription with this company and have suggested to friends and co-workers to leave Time Warner and join other companies as well. When I first signed up for Time Warner, I was advised not to. Who would want to pay exorbitant prices for mediocre service?

Also, please do not send me a bill for this month because you won't receive payment. Don't even waste your paper or time. This cancellation is effective IMMEDIATELY.

Here's another complaint to go along with all of the others. I was advised by one of your customer reps to speak to a supervisor. After waiting on hold for 45 minutes, I hung up. It's amazing just how poorly you treat your customers.

Thank you for wasting my time and money.

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Flushing
Address: 41-61 Kissena Blvd
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Time Warner
Worst Customer Service

Time Warner Telecom Inc
Time Warner Cable PO Box 650063

Time Warner Cable
Horrible Customer Service

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Horrible Customer Service

Time Warner Cable
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