Time Warner Cable
Horrible customer service

Shops, Products, Services

Time Warner Cable takes advantage of the fact that they basically have a monopoly in NYC and they provide a horrible customer service. I had an appointment to have cable installed and they never showed up, when I called they told me that I had called to change the appointment but I NEVER CALLED. They hanged up on me, put me on hold for over half an hour to speak to a Supervisor. At the end, they said that since it was on their record that I had called, they could not do anything. This implies that their systems are bad or someone is changing the appointments without specific authorization which means that they are breaching privacy and confidentiality agreements. I cancelled the service all together, for the time being, I rather not have cable than give my money to Time Warner.

Company: Time Warner Cable
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Site: twcnyc.com
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