Equity Residential, AZ
Equity Residential And Promontory Pointe ripoff, outrageous, fraudulent behavio


In 1999, I fell into a short spell of under and unemployment while a resident at Promontory Pointe, Phoenix; an Equity Residential community.

Though making progess to regain fiscal stability and keeping the office staff fully informed of my situation (and they seemed empathetic at the time) at the end of just a few days over a month in arrears of payment, and without warning, I recieve a notice of a court date in the mail to appear for judgment proceedings regards the matter.

Promontory office manager, Janet Cree advised me it was standard and that I had been hand delivered a 5 day notice (which I never saw until she gave me a copy of it).

Bear in mind, this person is a representative of Equity Residential, and is still the manager at this community.

I advised I was getting paid within two weeks from my new employer and could resolve the backlog at this time. She was adamant; it was 'policy'.in one more attempt a couple of days prior the court date, the payment in full was offered again - she refused it. Concerned about this going on my 'credit records' - when I asked - she said once it's paid, it wouldn't be necessary to submit it.

Court day arrived and the attorney for Promontory spoke with me in THE HALL; I explained the situation - he reduces the amount on the paperwork - has me sign it (I thought it was just a confirmation signature that I'd spoken with him) and he says to go and pay the Promontory office. Less than twenty minutes later, I did.

Six months later (ealy 2000 now) I pulled my credit and see the Public Record entry, stipulating resolution unknown and that I still owe the money.

Promontory is called "we'll take care of it - so sorry" etc., I visit Equity in Person at their Camelback office and provide copies of rcpts and et al; "we'll make sure it's taken care of" etc.

Busy with general life, I accept an offer in CA and move there at the beginning of 2001. Obtaining an apartment there, they run my credit and want to know about the unresolved Public Record. Mortified, I re-open communications again "O goodness, very sorry, we'll take care of it"... And whomever is checking via the credit reporting agencies is not being told the truth either, as nothing changes evidently.

Back in Arizona end of I pull my credit while looking for a small condo to purchase.

You guessed it... STILL there.

This time I write and send three letters to Equity legal divisions at the Chicago Headquarters, the Camelback Facility, and to the Promontory Office Manager, sternly (again) demanding all be corrected within 10 days with written proof it has been addressed.

Nine days into it, I recieve an e-mail from Ms. Cree stipulating she wishes I had contacted her in person (I had, but she misdirected me to their local collection agency, when I asked to simply be copied with current proof I owe them nothing), who revealed to me that it IS ILLEGAL NOT TO ACCEPT payment of back rent prior to court dates, but it happens a lot.

I bet it does.

The words recourse and legal came up a few timeS in my return dialog to her. Over five days later I recieve a chinzy unidentifiable reciept - no name on it anywhere except hers; that I owe nothing. I demand something on letterhead. Seven days later I get at least that, with assurance, again, that the Public Record thing will be resolved. She'll personally contact the attorney's office.

This last was about two months ago, and some things really are constant - it still sits there like a hammer hit, throbbing thumb.

Last nite I went onto the credit reporting sites and tried to dispute this again.

So far the lowest home ownership interest rate I can get is 10%.

Can only estimate what this may wind up costing in dollars if I have to settle for a rate like that - how do people get away with things like this? It's one of, if not the, most exhausting event I've ever dealt with in my life so far.

Company: Equity Residential, AZ
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Phone: 8662501535
Site: equityresidential.com
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