BABC credit card company
Ripoff scam! Truely Thieves in disguise ripoff business from hell cheated employees and screwed the customers even more con artist fake ripoff consumer fraud


Was contacted by phone, on a cell phone no less. Was quickly asked if I'd like to have a Credit Card with no fees, with $200 credit limit, not security card. Was then passed on to another person who proceeded with more depth info, then played a recording, to which he came back on and asked if I agreed with it, and I immediatly refused the scam. I had spoke to 2 different people and was never aware of $194 dollar payment, Plus Pre-Payment for Credit to be on the Card. I proceeded to tell him I was not interested today in spending money for a Credit Card, nor would I buy one when they are offered for free. I told him to contact me in 3 months or so and I might be interested, but I wasn't now. He then stated he would contact me again March 22, then asked if understood all, and I said "yeah, but.." and was cut off (disconnected). Considering I was cut off, I immediatly called back, and talked to a Quote un-quote Manager, who litened to the recorded conversation, and agreed that I had declined it, as well as cut off at the end of the conversation. I was then assured that no one would contact me again, as I was very adamit about never wanting to deal with a company with employees like the "Salesman" that I had. The Mgr. Re-assured me that nothing would come of this. I had changed cell phone company's at the beginning of March, and was never contacted by BABC, but on the 25th of March, my bank got hit for a $184, and $10 payment to them. I immediatly contacted my bank to stop transfer, and am filing with Redstone Federal Credit Union to not accept anything from them. And they are going to try to get my $ back as well. But it is very difficult considering I am out of town for work in another state at that! I then contacted this company, and once again spoke to a Quote un-Quote Mgr (name Edward Mesina) who replayed the first recording, and agreed that I denied wanting it, and that I was cut off but he deemed that the Salesman did his job (B-S), and stood behind the withdrawl and would not return the $ but would cancle my acct at a price of $184. He also claimed that there was no 2nd conversation, nor was it recorded (odd considering when you call, thats the first thing you hear is that this conversation is being recorded. WarrenToney, Alabama

Company: BABC credit card company
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Largo
Address: 801 West Bay Dr, Largo Florida 33770
Phone: 8003391392
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BABC Bay Area Business Council
Ripoff, fraudulant credit card company, misrepresentation of services con artist fake ripoff

Florida Bay Area Bussiness Counsil
Aka "Bay Area Bussiness Counsil or BABC" Rip-Off! Very Deceptive and misleading company that promise a line of credit for hundreds of dollars but does not deliver!

BABC credit card company
BABC is the worst company ever! Another NEW a scam!

Ripoff tricked and lied to us

BABC (Bay Area Business Council)
Ripped off and scammed, and out 200 bucks "Close your bank account"

Bay Area Business Council
(babc) is a ripoff. They are misleading, dishonest, & fraudulent criminals

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