Star Communications
Ripoff $500.00 shopping spree card for xmas


I allowed myself to be fooled by these people
thinking that for once something good was happening to me. They tell you to answer yes to all the prompts in the recording but tell you "don't worry, this doesn't pertain to you. You won't be charged anything" They need this because the Payment Processing Center cannot precess the payment without hearing the recording and then they throw it in your face.

Call the Payment Processing Center to make your complaint and they can also block any other payments from coming out while you are getting things handled with your bank. Their # is 1-866-223-8711 and I spoke to Lisa.

Also, our bank was very happy to help us with this problem, they have delt with Star Communications before. You sign affidavits that you did not authorize these charges and are willing to prosecute.

Company: Star Communications
Country: USA
State: California
City: Canoga Park
Address: 6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd. PO Boox 402
Phone: 8003579258
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