Advantage America Benefit - ripoff, hung up after they knew I was checking them out online. Florida


I received an unsolicited phone call telling me I quallified for a $12,000 federal grant to do with as I wished. They asked if I had an active bank account and that for only $49.95 they would give me access to the information online. Then he wanted to turn me over to the verifier who would take my banking information. As we were talking he gave me their web address which I immediately typed into my browser. He didn't know I was already on the computer. A totally other name came up. I tried it three times and the guy named Derrick Lloyd started stuttering and saying something must be wrong with their server.

After my third attempt he hung up after saying he had to find out what is wrong with their server. So everyone beware—another scam is here!

Company: Advantage America Benefit
Country: USA
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