Drive Time
Drive Time, ripoffs, liars, bound for hell! Ripoff


I'm not going to go into the fact that they sell overpriced cars that are not even worthy of being called lemons. I'm going to talk about their lack of customer service skills. While I was reading the reports about people's personal experience with this company, I realized it's not entirely their faults. It's partially our faults as consumers for allowing ourselves to be ripped off. My boyfriend just went through a horrible experience with Drive Time and I plan to do whatever I can to expose them. I understand that they are in a business to make money. I also understand that they are dealing with people who have a history of poor credit situations. What I don't appreciate is how they treat their customers as a result of their past credit choices. We were sold a car that lasted less then 24 hours before we had to return it, and it's been over a week and we still haven't received our deposit. To make matters worse, they've lied to us over and over again about when it would be mailed, or was mailed. We gave them cash for a deposit, not a check, yet we can't get our money back without a hassle. I read a comment one guy made about the people who buy from Drive Time and how we shouldn't complain about them, but correct our own a way that is true, we are responsible for our own credit situations. But does that mean we don't have a right to good service? No it doesn't. I've worked in customer service all of my life, and I assure you that this type of business can cause problems for you with the right publicity.

Underestimating someone because of their credit report is a mistake. One they will soon learn from. So to the man who thinks Drive Time is some type of savior, you can take a seat and enjoy your ride to hell along with them. Everyone else, take the time to file your complaint with the Better Business Bureau. I've already filed mine, and I'm also working with my local News about a consumer report. Please contact your local News for information about filing a consumer report. We can complain until we're blue in the face, but until we collectively take a stance against companies like Drive Time, they will continue to do this type of business.

Company: Drive Time
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Antonio
Address: 11612 Perrin Beitel Rd
Phone: 2105908091
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Drive Time
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Drive Time UGLY DUCKLING rip-off scam con artists

DRIVE Financial Services
Horrible Customer Service, threating, Dishonest, FRAUDULENT ripoff Dallas

Drive Financial Services
Why are dealerships pushing this company? It seems like they are setting us up to fail! Ripoff

"ripoff" this company seriously needs to be "shut dow" for good! For selling or leasing out sorry cars that had big time problems! We got a car through drive time and within 4 days the breaks go out!

Drive Time
Got a car from Drive time it was in the shop 4 times, and they wanted to pay, they do not stay by there cars

Ulgy duckling - drive time
Ulgy duckling [ new name: drive time] drive time they sold me a vehicle (van) that was unsafe as a result of the vehicle defect, i got into a traffic accident suffered injuries and the vehicle was total out, they collected the full amount

Drive Time
Ugly Duckling Let's file a Class Action Law Suit. Drive Time has broken many Laws RIPOFF

Drive Financial Services

Drive Financial Services
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