Supreme Holdings Group, Panther Promotions, Nadine Saman, Paris Rouhi
CYDCOR unethical, greedy scam taking advantage of people Ripoff


It all started in late february when I was applying for jobs on, and i came across the company supreme holdings group. I sent my resume, and literally within 20 minutes i got a phone call asking me for an interview. This should have set off an initial alarm, because what company would be that desperate to call you back so quick. After my 5 minute first interview, I was scheduled for a 2nd interview which i was told was competitive, but as i found out later from nadine saman's mouth, she's the manager, "anyone who can walk and talk gets a 2nd interview." My 2nd interview went off pretty well with this kid I got paired up with, and to my surprise I was offered the job on the spot after the interview. This shouldl have been my 2nd alarm, because no professional company does that as I now know.

Anyways I became a leader pretty fast after my initial training (which was unpaid... 3rd alarm) and was buying into the BS idea they pitch you that you can own a marketing business of your own in 6-9 months. To make a long story short, as I became a top leader in the office, I began to hear some of the things that went on behind the scenes.

Many of them involved Paris, who ended up opening her own office (in 14 months... What happened to 6-9), and Nadine constantly telling the other leaders and I that when we take out interviews to blatantly find out what they want out of a job, and then pitch them on how this job can offer it, regardless of whether its a lie or not. But not only do they lie to people right out of college desperate for a job about this great opportunity for you that actually only benefits them, they actually lie to their own employees who have been there for months and think their gonna make it.

On my last week in the office, One of the highest leaders in the office, and this is what finally opened my eyes to the scam going on, told me that two of the people expanding out with Paris, were actually just called "fillers". And by this term I mean that Paris and Nadine never intended on them making it anywhere in the company, they just needed them to expand out with Paris so that she could open her office.By the way You need like 5 or 6 people on your team before your allowed to be promoted to manager... Doesnt sound like any legitimate business i've ever heard of before... 4th alarm. When I heard that, and trust me quite a few other unethical and unprofessional things, I decided it was time for me to go and followed the path of so many others before me who I was told just couldnt cut it, and stopped showing up. It wasnt that they couldnt cut it, they just had enough of nadines and/or paris's BS and all the dishonest things that came along with it.

To anyone... Especially new college grads like I was... Dont get caught up in the lies they tell you. This is a scam, pyramid scheme, or anything else you wanna call it. They hire as many people as they can so that they can make as much money as they can, wth no intent on ever truly moving people up the ladder. You will not become a manager in 6-9 months, you will not earn almost a thousand a week like the interiewers are trained to tell you that you will, and you will not be flying alla round the country on these "paid" trips like they tell you either. My advice is to stay away, fully research a company like I should have done with this (by the way this company is connected to Cydcor), and dont believe the lies that Nadine or Paris will try and tell you. They care about themselves and its clear as day after working there for a month or two.

I spent almost 2 months of my life, thousands of miles on my car that were unpaid for, for nothing but a lesson in ripoffs. My advice is Dont do it!

Company: Supreme Holdings Group, Panther Promotions, Nadine Saman, Paris Rouhi
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Garden City
Address: 1325 Franklin Ave
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